Client Vrs Hobbyist

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_600" align="alignleft" width="175" caption="Hookers are your freinds "][/caption] Lots of different guys like to screw hookers. They are from every walk of life, every income bracket, every race, creed or color. There's no way to single out a group of men and say " those guys dont/haven't/never will bang a hot chick in exchange for cash" they all do it, have done it, will do it. You cant divide them into groups.. you can however sub categorize them. Now the common term for pay for play companionship for those in the subculture is... "the hobby" yep fucking hookers is now a hobby, yanno like building model cars or collecting stamps. The common term for a man who fucks hookers on the regular is a "hobbyist" yep hes just engaging…
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Demagoguery and the message board hobbyist

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_551" align="aligncenter" width="250" caption="Have you no shame?"][/caption] Websters defines Demagoguery like this: Main Entry: 1dem·a·gogue Variant(s): also dem·a·gog Function: noun Etymology: Greek dēmagōgos, from dēmos people  Date: 16481 : a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power We see this happen all the time, a hobbyist who writes a lot of reviews  and who the other dudes look up to for intel on hookers, a mod who spends why to much time "moderating" message boards, board posters who spend hours upon hours raising their post count because they feel as if it gets them some kinda notoriety.  Trying to make themselves popular, powerful, large and in charge of the world surrounding the hooker message board. When a popular message…
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Hatred is the coward’s revenge for being intimidated

[caption id="attachment_424" align="alignleft" width="210" caption="The duce you say"][/caption] A recent comment on my blog about the last meet and greet I attended got me thinking. The commenter basically said that if it wasn't for "bad" hobbyists that hookers like me would go broke. More then insinuating that escorts have to see not so stellar clients to get by. It's an old argument that I believe is rooted in the age old "you cant say no, you're a hooker" argument that comes up time and time again. I could argue the point until I'm blue in the face that escorts actually do have a choice on who they see and some guys would never accept it. I'm sure I probably will at some point bring it up again (can you say…
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Excuses, Excuses

sex work
[caption id="attachment_403" align="alignleft" width="180" caption="Really, Stop it. "][/caption] You don't get to use me as an excuse for your own bad behavior. If you are grown up enough to pay for the companionship of a lovely young lady, then you are grown up enough to take responsibility for jerking that same lovely lady around all on your own. It was brought to my attention that a girl I am friendly with was told by a client of hers (not mine but hers) that he proclaimed to her and he felt she didn't want to see him (even though she came into town just for the occasion) because I had a snippy exchange with him a while back. [caption id="attachment_405" align="alignright" width="240" caption="nanny nanny boo boo "][/caption] Business is business and…
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A man’s manners are a mirror in which he shows his portrait

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_385" align="alignleft" width="268" caption="Emily Post is on the phone"][/caption] I've been to a lot of parties, all different kinds of parties. Weddings parties, children's parties, cocktail parties, bachelors parties, work Xmas parties, costume parties, fancy A list Hollywood parties, slumber parties, rock and roll sushi parties, frat parties, swinger parties. Small, large, private, public, you get the picture. I've attended a really good cross section of different kinds of parties though out my life. What can I say I'm a notorious party girl. I went to a party the other night, a hobby party. More commonly called a "meet and greet" it's really a cocktail party where providers (hookers) and hobbyists (johns) can meet in a relaxed social setting. Eyeball each other and see if they want to meet…
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