Client Vrs Hobbyist
[caption id="attachment_600" align="alignleft" width="175" caption="Hookers are your freinds "][/caption] Lots of different guys like to screw hookers. They are from every walk of life, every income bracket, every race, creed or color. There's no way to single out a group of men and say " those guys dont/haven't/never will bang a hot chick in exchange for cash" they all do it, have done it, will do it. You cant divide them into groups.. you can however sub categorize them. Now the common term for pay for play companionship for those in the subculture is... "the hobby" yep fucking hookers is now a hobby, yanno like building model cars or collecting stamps. The common term for a man who fucks hookers on the regular is a "hobbyist" yep hes just engaging…