If you cant bribe your friends

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_471" align="alignleft" width="243" caption="lose lips... ruin lives"][/caption] I have celebrity clients. I live in LA its almost a requirement to fuck famous dudes for cash here. I keep my mouth shut about who they are, why blow a good thing and besides I'm not here to ruin lives only to make them occasionally a little more exciting buy giving my famous clients a small bite of the forbidden fruit which is Jenny DeMilo. The first  famous guy i ever saw was a bit of a surprise as he used a pseudonym with me. So when he opened the door i was a little giddy because... I had always been a fan. I was amused at how by a strange turn of events i was naked on the floor being…
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Excuses, Excuses

sex work
[caption id="attachment_403" align="alignleft" width="180" caption="Really, Stop it. "][/caption] You don't get to use me as an excuse for your own bad behavior. If you are grown up enough to pay for the companionship of a lovely young lady, then you are grown up enough to take responsibility for jerking that same lovely lady around all on your own. It was brought to my attention that a girl I am friendly with was told by a client of hers (not mine but hers) that he proclaimed to her and he felt she didn't want to see him (even though she came into town just for the occasion) because I had a snippy exchange with him a while back. [caption id="attachment_405" align="alignright" width="240" caption="nanny nanny boo boo "][/caption] Business is business and…
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A man’s manners are a mirror in which he shows his portrait

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_385" align="alignleft" width="268" caption="Emily Post is on the phone"][/caption] I've been to a lot of parties, all different kinds of parties. Weddings parties, children's parties, cocktail parties, bachelors parties, work Xmas parties, costume parties, fancy A list Hollywood parties, slumber parties, rock and roll sushi parties, frat parties, swinger parties. Small, large, private, public, you get the picture. I've attended a really good cross section of different kinds of parties though out my life. What can I say I'm a notorious party girl. I went to a party the other night, a hobby party. More commonly called a "meet and greet" it's really a cocktail party where providers (hookers) and hobbyists (johns) can meet in a relaxed social setting. Eyeball each other and see if they want to meet…
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It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation

[caption id="attachment_380" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="it's not the real thing"][/caption] Owning a camera doesn't make you a photographer. Sucking the occasional dick for pocket change dont make you a high dollar hottie and writing in your diary don't make you a published writer. If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery then I am being flattered up the ass recently. Here's the thing, I'm original, a free thinker, imaginative and sharp as a tack. I think in concepts and just as soon as you try to appropriate my style, I'm already two steps over to the next bright shinny thing. I'm a consummate artist who lives her art and I am always looking for the next exciting thing and creative adventure to participate in. So suck up my table scraps losers,…
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Intellectual property rights, a refresher course

photography, sex work
[caption id="attachment_347" align="alignleft" width="234" caption="Know your rights - you don't have any"][/caption] One of the the things that is always trying for sex workers is where to get your photos taken and how to deal with a photographer. I see this issue from both sides of the fence and hence have some insight for those who need to have current and constant photos. Some things to remember and keep in mind: 1. A photographer owns the photos they take of you, they can pretty much do whatever they want with them. In extreme cases they can even prevent you from using them if you didn't get them to sign a license agreement. It's called intellectual property and it means at its basic concept that a artist owns the labor of…
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