The Troglodyte Within

sex work
[caption id="attachment_769" align="alignleft" width="172" caption="Hey, how much for a blow job"][/caption] What is it about men that makes them act like fucking morons when sex enters the equation. Yes, I'm a hooker. I fuck for money. However that doesn't mean that when you speak to me you are allowed to speak to me like a hole or with disrespect. I know there's plenty of men out there who have no respect for women and it's not uncommon to run across them in your daily lives. But it just fucking chaps my goddamn hide when i get a phone call to my VIP (ie 400 buck ad) on a fancy web mall site, with my professional photos and well crafted upscale ad copy and some douche bag from Bakersfield, yanno the…
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On being valued

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_733" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="I roll, you die"][/caption] I've been a pretty loud voice in my small community of sex workers. I've helped a lot of new girls, tried to give back to my community, use the reference system to help keep everyone safe and been burned by people i had once considered friends. That's kinda how it goes.  I invoke a strong response in people. I always have. I started bucking the system when i was 7 years old. In my progressive private school i helped develop the curriculum.. yes, at 7. When i entered college at the age of 15 nothing had changed, i still was bucking the system. It was often a hard earned battle but my critical thinking skills were polished to a fine sheen, if…
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The personal DNS list

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_636" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="Getting on the road and getting naked "][/caption] I was recently called a "veteran provider" I never really thought of myself like that but i supposed that's an accurate description as I've been an working escort for a number of years, (think 5+) I live in Los Angeles and I've toured across the country to both large and small cities, selling a tasty bite of Jenny D. Even if you don't live in LA there have been opportunities to see me in other parts of the country. Also I travel by request, the men with means have flown me to their city at their schedule when the mood has struck them. I'm very careful about who I get naked with and have often been told I'm…
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Client Vrs Hobbyist

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_600" align="alignleft" width="175" caption="Hookers are your freinds "][/caption] Lots of different guys like to screw hookers. They are from every walk of life, every income bracket, every race, creed or color. There's no way to single out a group of men and say " those guys dont/haven't/never will bang a hot chick in exchange for cash" they all do it, have done it, will do it. You cant divide them into groups.. you can however sub categorize them. Now the common term for pay for play companionship for those in the subculture is... "the hobby" yep fucking hookers is now a hobby, yanno like building model cars or collecting stamps. The common term for a man who fucks hookers on the regular is a "hobbyist" yep hes just engaging…
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Demagoguery and the message board hobbyist

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_551" align="aligncenter" width="250" caption="Have you no shame?"][/caption] Websters defines Demagoguery like this: Main Entry: 1dem·a·gogue Variant(s): also dem·a·gog Function: noun Etymology: Greek dēmagōgos, from dēmos people  Date: 16481 : a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power We see this happen all the time, a hobbyist who writes a lot of reviews  and who the other dudes look up to for intel on hookers, a mod who spends why to much time "moderating" message boards, board posters who spend hours upon hours raising their post count because they feel as if it gets them some kinda notoriety.  Trying to make themselves popular, powerful, large and in charge of the world surrounding the hooker message board. When a popular message…
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