Blog Stalked!

sex work
[caption id="attachment_803" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="No really, you are..."][/caption] I've been noticing him for a while. He hits my blog 4-10 times a night. Usually between 2am and 6am. He tries to mask his IP but he doesn't do a very good job of it. I know the city he comes from and a lot of other identifying info from his/about his computer. Oh and i know his his name servers, who owns those servers and how to get in contact with that person. I'm thinking its likely who he works for. I think hes trying to hack me, though to what end i don't know. Hes certainly not reading my blog over and over and over and he hits it every night regardless if i have any new material or…
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Personal responsibility

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_787" align="alignleft" width="262" caption="Bawk!"][/caption] Personal responsibility is in the news a lot. From the banking crisis to the oil spill. The cry from the more thoughtful among us is, "where  is the personal responsibility." Would the country gotten into the money crisis it is in the bankers personal assets were at risk as they off loaded our risk in their casino style dealings? Doubtful. What about BP and the gulf oil spill. When testifying before Congress the mantra was "its not my fault" 11 people died in that man made disaster, it would be nice of someone sacked up and said "we fucked up, were at fault" it will never happen. I do my best to be responsible for my actions. I'm not perfect but it is a characteristic…
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The disappearing girl trick

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_707" align="alignleft" width="210" caption="The disappearing girl"][/caption] It happens, someone disappears from the radar. A girl you email with, talk to online, tweet at. Poof, disappears. Her site is down, her phone disconnected, her twitter deleted. It always freaks me out. Usually its just someone taking a break or leaving the game with no fanfare. Sometimes its because someones been outed and they need all their info down NOW.  I once got a crying phone call at 7am from a escort i knew who's grown daughter had been forwarded all her reviews and websites. She was at her straight job and was begging me in tears to get into her website back end and take down all her sites... i did what i could. Girls have disappeared because they were…
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Hearding cats and other pastimes

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_680" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="Know, it learn, it live it..."][/caption] Verifying references is essential. I'm a reference friendly escort. That basically means i will vouch for a guy I've seen when he wants to see another escort. He gives her my info then she contacts me and i let her know that I've seen him. Its one of the way ladies stay safe. I have a very specific way i do things, i expect the escort to give me enough information on the potential client so that i can easily figure out who shes talking about. His name, email, board handles, cell number and maybe something to jog my memory about him but usually just the specifics he would have used to book with me are needed. I dont see…
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Eros feedback phone call

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_661" align="alignleft" width="247" caption="Don't hold back tell me what you reall think "][/caption] So I'm minding my own business and the Eros guide gives me a ring. Odd because i don't have an any current ads up with them and i haven't for a while. I answer, the purpose it seems of their call is to find out why i haven't advertised with them in a while. They are looking for feedback. So i give it to them. I tell them that Eros in my home market is a waste of money for me. I tell them that I'm not thrilled with the new "self service" model if their site. I tell them I'm not happy with the rate increases, especially in light of the new model where they…
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