I have an illicit past

I have an illicit past

Jenny DeMilo, prostitution, sex work
You all already know about my past if you have been a reader here. Now you can read me on The Daily Beast. Where I recount my first time escorting. It was a great pleasure to be able to contribute to The Daily Beast and i just love reveling what Sex Work is really like. So often the voices you are are not those who have real lived experiences in the sex business. I hope you enjoy it. https://www.thedailybeast.com/sextember-jenny-demilo-says-the-first-time-she-got-paid-for-sex-she-did-everything-wrong?ref=home "I had booked hundreds of calls for other people. I had hundreds of conversations with sex workers about what to say, what not say, how to stay out of jail and how to keep themselves safe. All that flew right out of my head, and I did everything all wrong."
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My Redbook siezed by feds – Update

prostitution, sex work
The indictment is out and you can see by looking at it the feds ( FBI and IRS) are totally following the money trail. They  have all the money transfers listed and all the assets. Seems you can make millions of dollars off escort advertising, but i already knew that. The people arrested had cash in banks, a couple of cars but no real property at least if they do it hasn't been found yet. I cant express enough how important it is to pay your taxes. If you deposit 10K or more into a bank, the bank will report that money to the IRS and eventually you will have to account for that money and if it doesn't match your income then you are in it deep with the…
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New direction

sex work
[caption id="attachment_1967" align="alignleft" width="300"] Which way will the wind blow[/caption]New direction, no not One Direction the boy band. How dare you bring them up! The NEW direction is me or rather this site. Say good by to Confessions Of A Message Board Hooker and hello to Jenny DeMilo.com. The archives will stay and there is lots of great material i spent many years writing, venting and all around just saying what i think. Be sure to check it all out. I wrote about the escort world from the perspective of someone in it long before it was fashionable to do so and i id it under my working name. Also a rarity that exists even today.   I was a GFE escort, i am not one any longer. Though i suppose…
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Adult Industry Truth

sex work
A friend is trying to make a difference for sex workers. She along with others have created Adult Industry Truth. Take the survey and help get the truth out about sex work, your truth, the realties of sex work and how you feel about the work you do. Too many times other people try to speak our truth as sex workers, tell our stories in ways that furthers whatever agenda they have. Lets do something to about that. From their site: Our mission statement: To help collect and distribute quality research about the diverse experiences of those involved in erotic labor and commercialized sex industries in the U.S. About our surveys: We want to create safe outlets for those involved in buying/selling sexual fantasy services or erotic labor to be…
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Aphrodite Companions Busted

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_1899" align="alignleft" width="242"] Busted[/caption]Aphrodite Companions was busted the other day. The husband and wife team who ran that NY/FLA escort agency are being held without bail on prostitution and money laundering charges. Agencies get busted all the time, which is why I write all the time about why you shouldn't work for one as an escort and why its dangerous to use one as a client. Agencies have a habit of being busted because since they are illegal business they tend to bend the legal business rules  yanno like  paying their taxes and trying to hide their income. They look good to prosecutors who if they were going to bust an independent girl would only get a misdemeanor prostitution charge, those prosecutors who in a situation with an agency…
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