Pas jolie, du tout

photography, sex work
[caption id="attachment_1062" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="Jump on everyones doing it"][/caption] It happens from time to time. Another escort jumps on your band wagon. It happens to me more then just time to time but it happens to most girls who put a lot of effort into their branding and marketing. Some lazy bitch tries to steal your Mojo. It can be as blatant as coping and pasting your ad copy or website copy and using at their own, to as insidious as following you around on tour, to as annoying as taking your signature branding and trying to co-opt it. It happened to me again, well twice this week really. A girl has decided to plant her ass everywhere I'm touring. A girl who i generally don't get along with who…
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Deceitful pretenses

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_1052" align="alignleft" width="210" caption="Let me tell you what i know..."][/caption] There has been a rash "escort blogs" handing out bad advice. Self proclaimed insiders blogging anonymously, meaning they are not blogging under their "working names" so their inclusion into the business cant be verified. What can be verified though, is they are handing out bad advice to both clients and sex workers. This kinda thing really irks me and i try to debunk the crap when confronted by it but it gets exhausting when i see smart people in the business just taking this crap on face value because it has the word "escort" or "sex worker" attached to it. Did the fauxho scandal of last year not teach us anything? I'm often amazed at how a group of…
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New scam in town

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_1035" align="alignleft" width="252" caption="The lengths to which some will go "][/caption] It looks like there's a new scam in town. This is cross posted from a blog of a friend, Miss Beverly Fisher. Miss Fisher is a very well respected member of the escort community a $pread Magazine contributor and a has been sharing her thoughts on the biz for a lot longer then i have. Seriously read it, it not only chronicles the latest way some shady people are trying to scam escorts but it also details how the same shady people would like to scam clients by writing fake reviews of girls who pay them for advertising space... everyone gets scammed with this outfit. "Advertise with us, or we'll ruin your reputation Worthless review system? Extortion? Is…
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You dont know

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_1020" align="alignleft" width="155" caption="I have 100's of reviews"][/caption] I know, you fucked some hookers. You're an expert at finding some top notch pay for play pussy and you've minimized your risk to almost nil. You're a message board regular, new dudes look up to you because they think you have the inside track on whore screwing and where to find the "diamonds in the rough" Why wouldn't they, look at the plethora of reviews you have, hell you even go to those hooker/trick parties where everyone's supposed to play nice (but rarely do) your a big swinging dick, a big man on campus, a master whore fucker. yeah yeah yeah ....I get it. But lets not kid ourselves you fuck whores you don't have the inside track on whore…
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The end of prostitution

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_987" align="alignleft" width="193" caption="pressured to do something they didn't want to, why does that sound familiar "][/caption] Craigslist adult services as of last night at 9pm PST is offline. The link is replaced with a black bar with the word censored. Adult gigs where people posted looking for content models is also gone.  It was only a matter of time. Craigslist has been under attack by headline seekers for a while and have been be targeted and painted as as the promoters of of child prostitution for a couple of years now. It heated up a year ago and Craigslist blinked and gave the inch the moralist and misguided do-gooders were looking for and they were on the case to get their mile. Craigslist started charging for advertising, required…
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