Join Me On Loyal Fans

Join Me On Loyal Fans

Femdom Hypnosis, Jenny DeMilo, sex work
Oh I went and did it, I started a fan club. See I actually do listen to you.... sometimes. You can now have direct access to chat with me, your divine Trance Mistress. Its a pretty nifty site and has a TON of features. The customer service reputation is A+ so its a great way to get in close personal contact with ME. As i'm just getting started there is no subscription price yet, just follow me for all the free content and exclusive offers etc. A subscription is coming at some point but get in now for all kinds of awesome stuff and the ability to chat directly with me. If you are a long time fan you know, i do not chat often  as i'm so busy making…
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Sensual Mistress Wants To Price Control Your Content

Femdom Hypnosis, Internet, Jenny DeMilo, sex work
I've been around the block a few times. I have my mp3 sessions available for sale in several places. I've opted to not put them on some platforms, I've pulled products and ended relationships with others if I felt they were being shady. I've always been very vocal about it when I feel a platform is not dealing with content creators fairly or ethically. I feel those people should be called out in hopes that others don't get taken for a ride and platforms will think twice about acting unethically. Enter Sensual Mistress. You might not know of them. They are a website that deals exclusively with Hypno-Dommes and Hypnosis Mp3s. When they first hit the scene I was reluctant to get involved. They are European-based and at the time…
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The Google algorithm

Femdom Hypnosis, Internet, sex work
[caption id="attachment_1970" align="alignleft" width="300"] Oh really Google?[/caption]Its a mystery the Google algorithm. Everyone knows its whats brings you eyeballs to your site but no one really knows how it works. Sure you can go the the Google FAQ pages to try to learn how to "properly" interact with it but those pages are always woefully out of date and telling you to create meaningful content well that's not very helpful. lets face it Google owns the Internet and as a result Google owns us. Small business or large business alike. I try not to rely too heavily on Google and though i do better then some, they still own my ass when it come to eyeballs and searches to my website.  Ebay took a hit just yesterday because Google updated…
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Femdom Hypnosis And Me

Femdom Hypnosis, Jenny DeMilo, sex work
I'm focusing on femdom hypnosis or more commonly known as erotic hypnosis. You may have noticed old sites of mine are disappearing. That is by design. Ive been a sex worker for a long time. Ive run the gamut, i've done a lot of things that some people may think exciting and others might be horrified by. I am neither, its simply who i am and what ive done. Escorting to me was always a job it had good days and it had bad days much like any other job. I liked the lifestyle, i liked making rent in one night. I was well suited to making strangers feel special, i had a knack for it. I was an outlaw, i lived off the grid. Now... not so much. Though…
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