You dont know

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_1020" align="alignleft" width="155" caption="I have 100's of reviews"][/caption] I know, you fucked some hookers. You're an expert at finding some top notch pay for play pussy and you've minimized your risk to almost nil. You're a message board regular, new dudes look up to you because they think you have the inside track on whore screwing and where to find the "diamonds in the rough" Why wouldn't they, look at the plethora of reviews you have, hell you even go to those hooker/trick parties where everyone's supposed to play nice (but rarely do) your a big swinging dick, a big man on campus, a master whore fucker. yeah yeah yeah ....I get it. But lets not kid ourselves you fuck whores you don't have the inside track on whore…
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Jenny’s Mailbag

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_855" align="alignleft" width="210" caption="No stamp needed"][/caption] The subject line said "Appt. Request" though i have a booking form on my website, sometimes people are not comfortable filling out a form blind and send me a direct email introduction. So it's really not that unusual to get a request that didn't go though my website booking form. Now, i will make them give me all the info that ask for on my form if its not in the email and if they want to see me bad enough they will provide the information i nee to be and feel safe. If not, they can move on to someone who doesn't take the safety measures i do. So i opened the email: from: Jim XX <> to: date: Tue, Jul…
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Personal responsibility

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_787" align="alignleft" width="262" caption="Bawk!"][/caption] Personal responsibility is in the news a lot. From the banking crisis to the oil spill. The cry from the more thoughtful among us is, "where  is the personal responsibility." Would the country gotten into the money crisis it is in the bankers personal assets were at risk as they off loaded our risk in their casino style dealings? Doubtful. What about BP and the gulf oil spill. When testifying before Congress the mantra was "its not my fault" 11 people died in that man made disaster, it would be nice of someone sacked up and said "we fucked up, were at fault" it will never happen. I do my best to be responsible for my actions. I'm not perfect but it is a characteristic…
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The Troglodyte Within

sex work
[caption id="attachment_769" align="alignleft" width="172" caption="Hey, how much for a blow job"][/caption] What is it about men that makes them act like fucking morons when sex enters the equation. Yes, I'm a hooker. I fuck for money. However that doesn't mean that when you speak to me you are allowed to speak to me like a hole or with disrespect. I know there's plenty of men out there who have no respect for women and it's not uncommon to run across them in your daily lives. But it just fucking chaps my goddamn hide when i get a phone call to my VIP (ie 400 buck ad) on a fancy web mall site, with my professional photos and well crafted upscale ad copy and some douche bag from Bakersfield, yanno the…
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The personal DNS list

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_636" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="Getting on the road and getting naked "][/caption] I was recently called a "veteran provider" I never really thought of myself like that but i supposed that's an accurate description as I've been an working escort for a number of years, (think 5+) I live in Los Angeles and I've toured across the country to both large and small cities, selling a tasty bite of Jenny D. Even if you don't live in LA there have been opportunities to see me in other parts of the country. Also I travel by request, the men with means have flown me to their city at their schedule when the mood has struck them. I'm very careful about who I get naked with and have often been told I'm…
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