Fuck you pay me!

sex work
[caption id="attachment_1145" align="alignleft" width="236" caption="Fuck you, Pay me!"][/caption] I will not chat you up for free, i will not date you for free, I'm a sex worker, a clip makers, a Domme, a PSO, an escort.  That means you need to pay me for my time. Be it phone sex, sexy chat on IM or in person. You want to get my attention, then do something attention worthy.  Get my attention with your wallet. Buying one 2.99 clip isn't going to get you unlimited back and forth emails (try buying 20) , the promise of something off my wish list then not following though will only show you for the douche you truly are (that i suspected all along). Follow though matters if you want my sexual attention, want to…
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Who the fuck is providers voice

sex work
[caption id="attachment_1109" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="No Really, isten to the cat "][/caption] It started  like this, i got an email on escorts.com from someone calling themselves "providers voice". telling me not to use escorts.com.  Escorts.com was one of the companies owned by A-1 advertising and A-1 got raided recently. they also own HotMovies  among others no one really knows what the men in blue were looking for or which company they were going after but it was best to be real careful when booking off that site for a while. I tried to look up providers voice, no history. I asked around, no one ever heard of them. The person mailing left a name i couldn't find no info connected. No website, No profile No trace. Okay noted. Ignored. Today i…
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prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_1098" align="alignleft" width="165" caption="Flip for me baby"][/caption] It happened, a well known"hobbyist" a prolific reviewer, a big man on campus, a big swinging dick, a whore fucker beyond all whore fuckers got busted, then he flipped and cried like a little girl. He didn't just flip,  he went above and beyond. He gave access to his personal profile on a national review site (and who knows how many other not national review sites) he handed over his access to screening services and he give the cops his access to  private men's only sections and the jewel of the popos bust...  he gave them access to a private mens only website. You know the one, where they spend the bulk of their time calling escorts fat, overpriced and collud on…
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sex work
[caption id="attachment_1093" align="alignleft" width="210" caption="Poof!"][/caption] The holidays are fast approaching and last night we just changed the clocks (fall back!) its as close to actual seasons we get out here in sunny Southern California. There are some changes in the world of Jenny as well. Touring: My touring is on hold. I may make it out to a few cities for weekends but i wont be doing any extensive touring until after the first of the year an even then i'm not sure when it will pick back up. I'm still available to travel for overnights but those need to be on the weekends with a bit of prior notice. Escort availability: Real word responsibilities has once again decreased my availability. Daytime appointments are no longer available unless its on…
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