Herion and the Google Executive

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_2009" align="alignleft" width="271"] Protip: Don't slam junk[/caption]I'm sure you've heard the news by now a sex worker was arrested for the murder of a Google executive. The man died back in November but the arrest was recent. The media is loving this story because the sex worker in question is rather interesting. Hes got wild hair and tattoos, shes a sugar baby and just in case you were wondering, yes, sugar babies are sex workers too. Though the media cant help but call her a hooker. She advertised on seeking arrangement.com Which any bonifide hooker will tell you is where cheap ass mother needy fuckers go to look for paid sex all the while fooling themselves into thinking is not really a pay for play situation. Its often a…
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Google squeezing out adult sites

sex work
[caption id="attachment_1985" align="alignleft" width="300"] Diverting Traffic[/caption]I know i've been bitching a lot lately (especially if you follow me on twitter) about Google and traffic. Theres not conformation in regards to what i've been seeing reflected in my traffic stats and research as to Google's algorithm changes. Xbiz did an in depth article into Google changing heir adult advertisers policy as in buh-bye adult advertisers. To which I add F' you Google. Heres what I don't get, if Google is in fact bowing to the pressure of pornography prohibitionists, what is the benefit? They own the damn Internet, what do they think these groups are actually going to get people to stop using Google.. in favor of what search engine? What is Google afraid of with these groups? I know Google…
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The Google algorithm

Femdom Hypnosis, Internet, sex work
[caption id="attachment_1970" align="alignleft" width="300"] Oh really Google?[/caption]Its a mystery the Google algorithm. Everyone knows its whats brings you eyeballs to your site but no one really knows how it works. Sure you can go the the Google FAQ pages to try to learn how to "properly" interact with it but those pages are always woefully out of date and telling you to create meaningful content well that's not very helpful. lets face it Google owns the Internet and as a result Google owns us. Small business or large business alike. I try not to rely too heavily on Google and though i do better then some, they still own my ass when it come to eyeballs and searches to my website.  Ebay took a hit just yesterday because Google updated…
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Femdom Hypnosis And Me

Femdom Hypnosis, Jenny DeMilo, sex work
I'm focusing on femdom hypnosis or more commonly known as erotic hypnosis. You may have noticed old sites of mine are disappearing. That is by design. Ive been a sex worker for a long time. Ive run the gamut, i've done a lot of things that some people may think exciting and others might be horrified by. I am neither, its simply who i am and what ive done. Escorting to me was always a job it had good days and it had bad days much like any other job. I liked the lifestyle, i liked making rent in one night. I was well suited to making strangers feel special, i had a knack for it. I was an outlaw, i lived off the grid. Now... not so much. Though…
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Don’t Be a Cunt

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_1876" align="alignleft" width="289"] Rage against the reviewer[/caption]Reviews, reviews, reviews.. It's all the rage to rage against reviews. Ok, I get it they are problematic but lets not forget that potential clients sometimes read them and use them when choosing an escort to see. We don't have to like that but it is a fact. Lets also not forget that as much as we may not be comfortable with reviews raging on men who use them from the ultra obsessive reviewer to the casual reader just makes us look like the crazy ones. I'm serious and I know that seems strange coming from me. The chick who in the last decade went to war with review culture and put my money where my mouth was by putting my actual working…
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