Sex Work And Taxes

Sex Work And Taxes

Jenny DeMilo, sex work
I hear it all the time. It’s often deployed against sex workers as an attack line. I saw it again just the other day on a heated, controversial, sex work thread on the bird app. A commenter (a guy, it’s always a guy) spewed out the old sex-workers pay a zero tax rate trope. As an insult, “you don’t pay taxes” comes in just below “you’re a whore, shut up.” It’s one of those urban myths that gets passed around, and around, and around, and it’s used to demean and discount sex workers and the work they do. Sex workers don’t pay taxes, sex workers don’t contribute to the common good, sex workers work outside the system. The reality is sex workers do pay taxes. Sex workers pay a lot…
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I have an illicit past

I have an illicit past

Jenny DeMilo, prostitution, sex work
You all already know about my past if you have been a reader here. Now you can read me on The Daily Beast. Where I recount my first time escorting. It was a great pleasure to be able to contribute to The Daily Beast and i just love reveling what Sex Work is really like. So often the voices you are are not those who have real lived experiences in the sex business. I hope you enjoy it. "I had booked hundreds of calls for other people. I had hundreds of conversations with sex workers about what to say, what not say, how to stay out of jail and how to keep themselves safe. All that flew right out of my head, and I did everything all wrong."
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Join Me On Loyal Fans

Join Me On Loyal Fans

Femdom Hypnosis, Jenny DeMilo, sex work
Oh I went and did it, I started a fan club. See I actually do listen to you.... sometimes. You can now have direct access to chat with me, your divine Trance Mistress. Its a pretty nifty site and has a TON of features. The customer service reputation is A+ so its a great way to get in close personal contact with ME. As i'm just getting started there is no subscription price yet, just follow me for all the free content and exclusive offers etc. A subscription is coming at some point but get in now for all kinds of awesome stuff and the ability to chat directly with me. If you are a long time fan you know, i do not chat often  as i'm so busy making…
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Herion and the Google Executive

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_2009" align="alignleft" width="271"] Protip: Don't slam junk[/caption]I'm sure you've heard the news by now a sex worker was arrested for the murder of a Google executive. The man died back in November but the arrest was recent. The media is loving this story because the sex worker in question is rather interesting. Hes got wild hair and tattoos, shes a sugar baby and just in case you were wondering, yes, sugar babies are sex workers too. Though the media cant help but call her a hooker. She advertised on seeking Which any bonifide hooker will tell you is where cheap ass mother needy fuckers go to look for paid sex all the while fooling themselves into thinking is not really a pay for play situation. Its often a…
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