Not all money is good money

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_1421" align="alignleft" width="210" caption="No one wants to fuck Grumpy"][/caption]As an escort you sometimes have to put up with a negative client or potential client. The client that wants you to "sell" yourself to them, the kind that think you need to impress him, woo him, seduce him into booking an appointment with you. They often have a "prove it to me" attitude. These same types of guys also love to tell hot chicks at the strip club no. I think they just go to the strip club so that they can tell hot girls no, when the girls are just  doing their jobs and trying to hustle dances. I never go out of my way to book those style of potential clients, in fact just the opposite.  I usually…
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Just a perfect blendship…

sex work
[caption id="attachment_1389" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="no this is you ..."][/caption]I know a lot of people but I don't have a lot of friends. By that i mean close friends, real friends, people you go out of your way for, feel for and want the best for when they are sad and hurting and  and  happy for then their lives are going good. I have a huge array of acquaintance and people i am friendly with. Especially in the business, where its hard to trust people. I have and I'm sure will again trust the wrong people. It's part of my make up to see the good in people first and not the bad. In sex work its hard to find kindred spirits and you long for a connection of other women…
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Origins of Goodtime Jenny

sex work
I know you think you're so smart and that you believe i got the "good time"  part of my name Good Time Jenny from Tommy Tutones 867-5309 and though i use that song a lot in promotions marketing and just for fun (i wear a t-shirt that just has the numbers on it) its not the origins of where i got Good Time Jenny. That goes back further, that goes back to Freddie. Freddie Mercury along with Joe Strummer of The Clash is one of my heroes. I know that might seem a strange combo but punk rock and glam rock but its really not if you think about it. Both artists were real artist living their truth, bucking the system, being their own people, the rest of the word…
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sex work
[caption id="attachment_1320" align="alignleft" width="235" caption="Which way to go"][/caption]New direction, new focus, new, new, new. I've been writing this blog for close to 4 years and when I started, it was a place for me to comment on my life of being a hooker. How i saw myself, my place as it were in the escort world. A place where I could speak freely with out reprisals from moderators on message boards and website owners. Since the bulk of the culture at that time was focused on the all mighty message board. It was a place and a way where i controlled my content, could find my voice, and speak my mind and my truth. Though naive and silly me I did suffer reprisals from my blogging by unscrupulous ass hats…
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Adult content?

sex work
So Youtube in all their wisdom has spent some time removing my video clips from their site because they are now considered after 100K views to be"adult content" and or my "INTENTION" and sole purpose was convey sexual gratification. Of course that's all bullocks. Its not "adult content" its my mouth with some spit. My intention was to drive traffic and well if you got a hard-on and it made you uncomfortable because you saw me spitting and drooling then that's on you... uptight prude. This clip was also removed from the fetish site Wewhipass  for being "nasty" (yes the same site i watched a clip of a guy being lashed in public and another getting fucked in the ass with a strap on) and then later i was told…
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