Join Me On Loyal Fans

Join Me On Loyal Fans

Femdom Hypnosis, Jenny DeMilo, sex work
Oh I went and did it, I started a fan club. See I actually do listen to you.... sometimes. You can now have direct access to chat with me, your divine Trance Mistress. Its a pretty nifty site and has a TON of features. The customer service reputation is A+ so its a great way to get in close personal contact with ME. As i'm just getting started there is no subscription price yet, just follow me for all the free content and exclusive offers etc. A subscription is coming at some point but get in now for all kinds of awesome stuff and the ability to chat directly with me. If you are a long time fan you know, i do not chat often  as i'm so busy making…
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Femdom Hypnosis And Me

Femdom Hypnosis, Jenny DeMilo, sex work
I'm focusing on femdom hypnosis or more commonly known as erotic hypnosis. You may have noticed old sites of mine are disappearing. That is by design. Ive been a sex worker for a long time. Ive run the gamut, i've done a lot of things that some people may think exciting and others might be horrified by. I am neither, its simply who i am and what ive done. Escorting to me was always a job it had good days and it had bad days much like any other job. I liked the lifestyle, i liked making rent in one night. I was well suited to making strangers feel special, i had a knack for it. I was an outlaw, i lived off the grid. Now... not so much. Though…
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File Sharing Myths

Femdom Hypnosis, Internet, sex work
As an adult content producer my work can and has been pirated, shared, traded and generally not paid for by people looking to get free stuff. Its par for the course and yes, it pisses me off. I'm a little guy not Warner Bros Records i don't have their resources nor their cash flow and every dollar counts when it comes to making a living this way. I do my best to create quality content and as a result people like my work (you dirty perverts, i love you all) unfortunately there is an underbelly and they also love my work and love to rip me off to get it. They make up all kinds of excuses as to why they are entitled to steal from me.. Some misconceptions about…
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You’d think it would be easier

Internet, Jenny DeMilo, sex work
I've given up trying to deal with third parties when it comes to hosting my video promo clips. YouTube thinks my tongue is "adult" and actively goes after any of the fetish girls posting non adult material which is compliant with their TOS.  I've been deleted off that site so many times I cant keep count. Vimeo and I got into it last year when they decided i couldn't link to any of my websites (including this blog even though other users link to their self promotion blogs) and told me i couldn't watermark my videos with anything that would direct any Vimeo viewer  to any of my sites where i then in turned linked to a clip site. Yes, Vimeo is trying to police several links out and also…
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