Jennys Blog

Crotchless panties and grandmas pearls

sex work
6 years to the day today you left the earth and its also the day you were born, my little firecracker. You are always with me on firecracker day. My thoughts are always of you and how you always made me laugh until my face utterly hurt, the crazy adventures we went on in the middle of the the night causing trouble in a small coastal town in California. Wearing monkey pajamas on the street and acting like everyone else was dressed like a freak, getting me searched and almost detained trying to get back into the U.S. because you couldn't stop singing at the boarder crossing! Offering to knock me up after i went crazy after the pinto bean died inside me, just to make me happy and smile…
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He was visibly nervous and shaking like a leaf. I found it kinda amusing... at first. I tried to calm hi down a bit by speaking slowly, touching his arm when i spoke and remaing cool, calm and collected myself. as we got the small talk portion of the evening out of the way, I looked around the room spotted my envelope (i always like to know where it is) and noticed that there were no pictures on the walls and that all his belongings (books and video tapes) were ushered into piles in the 4 corners of the room. I asked him if he had lived there long as the place didn't look very lived in. he'd been there over 2 years.I took him by the hand and asked…
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I woke up with a headache and frustrated. Why i don't know. Dreams of a broken camera danced in my head all night causing me to toss and turn and wake up and will my tired body back to sleep. I have a focus problem. Not just with my photography but with my life. Isn't that always the way. I went over my last set of film and i noticed i was unfocused more then my fair share. Are my sensors dirty or are my eyes? I have to correct this before my next scheduled shoot. Though i have a sneaking suspicion that the correction will be contact lenses or Lasik or some thing else just as paralyzing to me.My camera focus issue is a metaphor for a life focus…
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like a big pizza pie

sex work
Super extra busy over the last week or so and I've been blog neglectful. bad Jenny.. bad, bad Jenny. I swear i will write some dirty or naughty or at least more interesting stuff soon, besides "ohhh I'm sooooo busy, blah blah blah" but its true i am and im just not used to having to have to schedule my life like this.I'm shooting all day tomorrow for the agency. They swore to me it's going to be an easy day, ha! I already have them figured out.... that's how they suck you in. Oh well call me little miss sucked in...And now a personal observation... The full moon makes people crazy.©2007-2010 Jenny DeMilo all rights reserved Confessions Of A Message Board Hooker Please don't steal my hard work. Email…
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Walk in with a smile, walk out with a job

I had a meeting today to show my book to the CEO of a major modeling agency headquartered here in L.A. and hot damn if i didn't i book my first shoot with them on the spot! I have a solid body of work now and i found that selling your abilities in a face to face meeting with a power broker is a skill you never lose. I used to walk into the wolves to pitch and sell a concept daily when i was an AD and today i pitched and sold just like old times. A solid book and a little charm and fearless confidence still goes a long way in this town.I'll be doing tests for their new faces division. It looks like an interesting team I'll…
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