Vegas in snapshots

sex work
I recently went to Vegas for a long weekend with the Super Crush. It was a pure pleasure trip, no work... all fun. I was wined and dined in a story book fashion and Vegas in December is still my favorite time to visit. My trip to Vegas in snapshots: [caption id="attachment_1177" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Shopping at Tiffanys"][/caption] Tiffany's is always one of my favorite places to shop, though admittedly its mostly window shopping. I still am drawn to those pretty blue boxes and all the elegant understated goodies within them. [caption id="attachment_1178" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Calvin Klein head to toe!"][/caption] I bought a little Calvin Klein cocktail number to wear to dinner at Scott Conant's Scarpetta and the brand spanking new Cosmopolitan Hotel and Casino. I thought it would look awesome…
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Escort mode

[caption id="attachment_1169" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="The elephant in the room is im a hooker "][/caption]I've been escorting for years and been involved in the sex business in one for or another for even longer. It will effect how you see the world and how you do things. Some positive, some negative. The sum of my experiences makes me who i am, motives me and shapes my world view. Being an escort isn't about your needs, your sexuality or you anything. Its a service industry job. you are there to serve another's needs. I get approached all the time by young hopefuls as i like to call the. Many right after some big glossy pretty exciting hooker story breaks in the news. They want to be escorts because they think its glamorous,…
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She said thanks

sex work
[caption id="attachment_1166" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="Swim duck Swim "][/caption]A few years back a beautiful girl got in touch with me who had just started out escorting. I liked her, she has style and was cool. I gave her a few tidbits of my experience and helped her out when i could when she asked for advice. Today i got an email from her, she's moved on with her life and retired from the game. She's doing amazing things in both her work life and her personal life. But the best part is, she said thanks. Not in a big way, just as an aside but it touched my cold bitter black heart.  It's a rarity when someone thanks you and means it. Especially in this self obsessed "what can you do…
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Over sharing on the tubes

sex work
[caption id="attachment_1151" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="Nothing is too personal"][/caption] There's been a lot of over sharing the tubes. That doesn't mean sharing, part of the fun of the Internet is sharing and connecting with like minded people. I'm talking about OVER sharing. Divulging every singe thought that pops into your head, every single detail of your life. Using the Internet for validation on your thought process and existence is a slippery slope. Especially if you are a sex worker. Take twitter for example. Sex workers use Twitter for various reasons, to connect with other women in the biz. Its really the best way to organise your own support system (I've written about that before) its also a way to market yourself, you can shape your own message. Be who you want…
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Fuck you pay me!

sex work
[caption id="attachment_1145" align="alignleft" width="236" caption="Fuck you, Pay me!"][/caption] I will not chat you up for free, i will not date you for free, I'm a sex worker, a clip makers, a Domme, a PSO, an escort.  That means you need to pay me for my time. Be it phone sex, sexy chat on IM or in person. You want to get my attention, then do something attention worthy.  Get my attention with your wallet. Buying one 2.99 clip isn't going to get you unlimited back and forth emails (try buying 20) , the promise of something off my wish list then not following though will only show you for the douche you truly are (that i suspected all along). Follow though matters if you want my sexual attention, want to…
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