I didn’t get nothin’. I had to pay fifty dollars, and pick up the garbage

sex work
[caption id="attachment_1136" align="aligncenter" width="240" caption="Closed on Thanksgiving"][/caption] It's that time of year again when we all reflect on what we are thankful for and i am no different. Just another reminder that sex workers are just like everyone else and not some mythical untouchable beasts. A lot has changed for me over the year, I've changed a lot in a year its funny how that can happen. I stood my ground,  branched out, put my education to use and cleaned my emotional house. All to varying degrees of success. Yanno just getting though another year... My list for 2010. 1. The love of someone special 2. Little girls with big vocabularies 3. Friends who value you as much as you value them, do anything to make you laugh and take…
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Jenny’s Musical Trading Post

sex work
"We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of the dreams" [caption id="attachment_1115" align="alignleft" width="203" caption="MusicMusicMusic"][/caption] ...Okay maybe not the makers but i am a music enthusiast (much like my friend Charlie Sheena is a cat enthusiast) since the peer to peer file sharing sites are being shut down one by one (yanno Lime-wire and the like) there's pretty much no good way to get your paws on music right now. So i came up with an idea. Why not trade music with my Internet friends. All our tastes are so umm.. errr.. diverse!  It could be a fun way to get turned on to new music  (good bad and certainly the ugly, some of you have terrible taste.. heh) or at the very least have a little…
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Who the fuck is providers voice

sex work
[caption id="attachment_1109" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="No Really, isten to the cat "][/caption] It started  like this, i got an email on escorts.com from someone calling themselves "providers voice". telling me not to use escorts.com.  Escorts.com was one of the companies owned by A-1 advertising and A-1 got raided recently. they also own HotMovies  among others no one really knows what the men in blue were looking for or which company they were going after but it was best to be real careful when booking off that site for a while. I tried to look up providers voice, no history. I asked around, no one ever heard of them. The person mailing left a name i couldn't find no info connected. No website, No profile No trace. Okay noted. Ignored. Today i…
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prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_1098" align="alignleft" width="165" caption="Flip for me baby"][/caption] It happened, a well known"hobbyist" a prolific reviewer, a big man on campus, a big swinging dick, a whore fucker beyond all whore fuckers got busted, then he flipped and cried like a little girl. He didn't just flip,  he went above and beyond. He gave access to his personal profile on a national review site (and who knows how many other not national review sites) he handed over his access to screening services and he give the cops his access to  private men's only sections and the jewel of the popos bust...  he gave them access to a private mens only website. You know the one, where they spend the bulk of their time calling escorts fat, overpriced and collud on…
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