I have an illicit past

I have an illicit past

Jenny DeMilo, prostitution, sex work
You all already know about my past if you have been a reader here. Now you can read me on The Daily Beast. Where I recount my first time escorting. It was a great pleasure to be able to contribute to The Daily Beast and i just love reveling what Sex Work is really like. So often the voices you are are not those who have real lived experiences in the sex business. I hope you enjoy it. https://www.thedailybeast.com/sextember-jenny-demilo-says-the-first-time-she-got-paid-for-sex-she-did-everything-wrong?ref=home "I had booked hundreds of calls for other people. I had hundreds of conversations with sex workers about what to say, what not say, how to stay out of jail and how to keep themselves safe. All that flew right out of my head, and I did everything all wrong."
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Betsy Prioleau Shames Prostitutes

sex work
[caption id="attachment_1851" align="alignleft" width="203"] Prostitute shamming is what all the Ph.D's do[/caption]There's no getting away from it, people even supposed educated, informed people who write fancy books think it's okay to insult someone based on what they do for a living. You don't know what you're talking about and cant possibly offer anything valid because you work for Time Warner Cable, or you are just a lowly waitress slinging hash, your blue collar life, your working poor life makes you inconsequential, your profession dictates your value and makes everything you say wrong. Especially of you work in the sex business, then you are nothing but a whore and you have nothing to offer. Yes, I know this sounds harsh but this is actually how many people think. Though they wouldn't…
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Fairy Whore Mother

Jenny DeMilo, sex work
[caption id="attachment_1818" align="alignleft" width="300"] Let me wave my wand[/caption]I'm always starting new projects, its something I do to keep life interesting. I'm always cooking up some new idea, sometimes I give these ideas away to people I think would make a lot out of them sometimes I horde them all to myself (I have been called a digital hoarder) Recently though a series of quips and events the advent of a new collaborative blog aimed at giving no nonsense advice to sex workers or those thinking about being sex workers came to fruition. Savannah Darling a hot momma I have been acquainted with for a few years now (wow time moves fast) called me her "Fairy Whore Mother"  on twitter when she needed a little reassurance in regards to a…
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The Master’s Thesis

Jenny DeMilo, sex work
[caption id="attachment_1767" align="alignleft" width="240"] Listen to the rodent[/caption]I was contacted by a masters student at a very prominent British university. She let me know that she was writing her masters thesis on blogging and identities in sex work and asked if she could interview me. In the same letter she let me know she was using my blog (yes, this blog) in her research. I was intrigued. After looking her up to make sure she was legit I agreed to be interviewed. The interview was fun, I liked her right away. It was clear she had put some thought into her questions and research. She asked smart questions and made some rather interesting observations about me and my blogging and really whats more fun then talking  for an hour with…
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War of the words

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_1707" align="alignleft" width="189"] I've got your dewey decimal system[/caption]Its seems as if its always such an uphill battle, you're always pushing that heavy rock up that very big hill, the war of the words, the fight for the narrative when it comes to sex work and sex workers. It's frustrating when people who aren't sex workers "get it wrong"even when they mean well. When you run across someone misusing the correct terminology  and conflating and isolating prostitution with "sex work"  it can be disheartening, frustrating and very annoying because you know when you come across that, that you are losing narrative ground in the battle of the words. I try to be understanding when i come face to face with it but lets face it, I'm outspoken and often…
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