The end of prostitution

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_987" align="alignleft" width="193" caption="pressured to do something they didn't want to, why does that sound familiar "][/caption] Craigslist adult services as of last night at 9pm PST is offline. The link is replaced with a black bar with the word censored. Adult gigs where people posted looking for content models is also gone.  It was only a matter of time. Craigslist has been under attack by headline seekers for a while and have been be targeted and painted as as the promoters of of child prostitution for a couple of years now. It heated up a year ago and Craigslist blinked and gave the inch the moralist and misguided do-gooders were looking for and they were on the case to get their mile. Craigslist started charging for advertising, required…
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6 marketing tips for escorts

sex work
[caption id="attachment_983" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="Dont get stuck in da box"][/caption] Marketing yourself as an escort is essential. You have to know marketing basics in any business,  especially in the down economy. Knowing your market is important, knowing where you fit into it is equally important if you want to broaden your appeal and expand your business. Here are 6 quick marketing tips and ideas for escorts. Some you may already be doing some maybe you haven't thought of. 1. Start a mailing list. If you don't have one, get one. Make sure its an opt in list and remember not to abuse it. Send out a monthly newsletter, keep people interested in you up on whats going on with you. 2. Get yourself  listed in online industry  directories. Don't just…
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Justice denied

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_961" align="alignleft" width="165" caption="Julissa "][/caption] They're calling it justice denied and i suppose it is. The man who killed Julissa Brisman killed himself in prison. Stabbed himself in the neck and the leg hitting arteries and covered his head with a plastic bag wrote his girlfriends name in blood and the word "pocket" then died. For many its over. For the families I'm sure it never ill be. Julissa's loved ones will never get their day in court but they also wont have to be haunted by the possibility of their childs killer walking free. They wont have to be haunted by her life as a sex worker being used to justify her death in a court of law. That's right Julissa was a sex worker. That element is…
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To hot for Youtube?

sex work
[caption id="attachment_956" align="alignleft" width="259" caption="Cryin' on the inside?"][/caption] Hey i follow the rules. Yeah, i have a secret YouTube channel where i drive traffic to my clip store. I'm sure if you tried hard enough it would be pretty easy to find. I try to follow the YouTube rules and i think i do a really good job of it. I don't ape music i use creative commons stuff, i keep it "clean" ie no boobs and its well known how i love to show off the boobs. The other day a new promo clip i made was "removed" from YouTube because it contained "inappropriate content" umm huh? hello... wtf.. and all that jazz. I scoured the community guidelines looking for my blatant violation, did i accidentally forget to put…
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The outing epidemic

phone sex, sex work
[caption id="attachment_932" align="alignleft" width="259" caption="How can i get you off..."][/caption] It happened again a sex worker preemptively outed herself. This time it was the twitter sensation "TeleEroticist" a phone sex operator who with a popular twitter feed where she was both witty and interesting detailing her work as a PSO. Some dude who knew her in her real life decided he was going to out her and  he took steps. She outed herself as a preemptive strike.  Bell De Jour the blogger turned novelist, turned subject of a Showtime TV series about hooking was finally forced to out herself when an ex decided he was going to out her. It sucks, this is just the latest example. It's an epidemic. I don't know a escort that hasn't at least been…
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