The bigger the better

sex work
[caption id="attachment_1624" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="it glows!"][/caption]Its always a surprise when I get my monthly package for the folks over at Eden Fantasys. This time when I tore open the plan brown wrapper I found the Jelly Royales Dong. Now this is a big sex toy and i just happen to be the kinda girl who likes her toys sizable. I suppose that qualifies me as a size queen.. so be it! My preference is always that fake cocks look fake, even the "realistic" ones. I  want to make sure i remember its not a real boner i'm playing with! I like them in weird colors and  this one did not disappoint. Its a strange bluish color even though its supposed to be clear it almost seems to glow a little.…
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Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_1621" align="alignleft" width="183"] time time time[/caption]Stop adding time wasters to shared safety blacklists for dangerous clients! Yes, that's right you heard me, knock that shit off. A blacklist is for serious issues. Not because some one's a dumb fuck or annoying obnoxious gnat in email. That's what your PERSONAL blacklist is for. Shared safety blacklists are for SAFETY ISSUES and and your not helping buy putting  people who are just stupid fucks on blacklists.  If you don't know the difference between a safety issue and some jerk off fucking with your time, then my god its time to talk stock in your business practices and do some self reflection. We all have annoying time wasters up in our in boxes. In fact there's  this hilarious time waster dedicate website…
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Ripped Off

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_1606" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="getting ripped off!"][/caption]A civvie friend of mine, from way before high school, I've pretty much known him all my life tells me he's broken up with his girlfriend and is thinking about seeing a hooker. Now the funny thing is this friend of mine doesn't know I'm a escort! He  knows I work as a Pro Domme, he knows I know something about the sex business and that I'm open minded and have never judged him about anything. I give him the low down, I tell him how not to get ripped off. How to cross check reviews to ads, where to look for reviews, what mall sites to look on, how to check phone numbers, reputations, web presence and most of all how to spot…
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You’re the tops

sex work
[caption id="attachment_1595" align="alignleft" width="220" caption="sexy time"][/caption]I often feel like Steve Martian in the jerk when my new naughty toys arrive from the good folks at Eden Fantasys "The new phone books are here, the new phone books are here.... err sex toys are here" and this month was no different. When i opened the box i was greeted with an odd cone like vibration toy called " The pleasure top" its pink! and what girl doesn't want her futuristic cone like sex toy in pink, i know i do. So this strange little sex toy has two vibration points in the base (mild to weak) and on the clit stimulator (mild to medium) and its smaller then you think from the photos. Id call this a beginners toy, partly because…
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