War of the words

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_1707" align="alignleft" width="189"] I've got your dewey decimal system[/caption]Its seems as if its always such an uphill battle, you're always pushing that heavy rock up that very big hill, the war of the words, the fight for the narrative when it comes to sex work and sex workers. It's frustrating when people who aren't sex workers "get it wrong"even when they mean well. When you run across someone misusing the correct terminology  and conflating and isolating prostitution with "sex work"  it can be disheartening, frustrating and very annoying because you know when you come across that, that you are losing narrative ground in the battle of the words. I try to be understanding when i come face to face with it but lets face it, I'm outspoken and often…
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The tortoise not the hare

Jenny DeMilo, sex work
I'm slowly but steadily (yanno like the tortoise) adding all my clips to my fetish clips own site. Every day a few more are being added, little by little. In addition of course to my femdom erotic hypnosis Mp3's (hot sellers they are) So make sure to check out my very on fetish clip site where you can purchase gems like "jerk off to my tits" oh what a masterpiece! [caption id="attachment_1691" align="aligncenter" width="640"] You know you wanna....[/caption]
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Clip Sites And The Implied Deal

Internet, sex work
[caption id="attachment_1684" align="alignleft" width="200"] Quiet on the set[/caption]If you're selling your content be it porn or fetish content and if your selling it though a clip site then you are not making 100% on your work. There is an implied deal with the clip site you are selling your content though. You give of X percentage of your profits in exchange for X services from the clip site. So what are those X's you are giving up and getting. Let me break it down. You can give up, up to 40% of your sales, I've even heard tell of some sites wanting more then that. In exchange you get a platform to sell your content, all the payment processing by the clips site and they host your content for sale.…
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Happy New Year

New years eve photo. However I did put on pants before I left the house. I'm good like that. [caption id="attachment_1681" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Who needs to breath when can look this good[/caption]
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We are the music makers

sex work
[caption id="attachment_1675" align="alignleft" width="225"] I love this song... no really[/caption]I was taking a little stroll down Eden Fantasys Sexis Magazine lane and happened across the interview of the hot and smart girls over at the Tits And Sass blog by the lovely Rachel Rabbit Whitewho is a sex and gender writer. The interview was about music and stripping. What music do you like to strip to, how does music affect your earning potential and the like and it got me thinking about how strippers and escorts use music differently. Strippers use the music in selling their lap dances, they often have to use some other girls music when she's on stage and they are selling dances and maybe even have dance to some crap they cant stand and make it…
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