Risky Behavior

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_1800" align="alignleft" width="300"] Yes, there will be hookers but will there be ballons?[/caption]I've written about hooker meet and greets  before, I'm sure this wont be the last time I write about them but let me say this loud and clear... Escort meet and greets are not safe! As further proof how these functions have taken a dive in the safety arena (they took a dive in the class arena long ago)  is the latest from New York Magazine "Johns Night Out" Where a reporter gains access to an "exclusive" meet and greet he heard about on the largest hooker review website out there, you know the one that boasts a bizillion reviews of escorts. A public notice was posted about the upcoming event and it appears the reporter asked…
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You’d think it would be easier

Internet, Jenny DeMilo, sex work
I've given up trying to deal with third parties when it comes to hosting my video promo clips. YouTube thinks my tongue is "adult" and actively goes after any of the fetish girls posting non adult material which is compliant with their TOS.  I've been deleted off that site so many times I cant keep count. Vimeo and I got into it last year when they decided i couldn't link to any of my websites (including this blog even though other users link to their self promotion blogs) and told me i couldn't watermark my videos with anything that would direct any Vimeo viewer  to any of my sites where i then in turned linked to a clip site. Yes, Vimeo is trying to police several links out and also…
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Dont worry little lady

sex work
[caption id="attachment_1774" align="alignleft" width="250"] Next... Billboards![/caption]Advertising is always tricky when you're a sex worker. When I was escorting it was a monthly headache to figure out which sites to give my very hard earned cash to. Always trying to get the most bang for your advertising buck. Escort advertising is veryexpensive, it can be cost prohibitive and you have to be smart about it. No one wants to spend hundreds of dollars every month for no return and though no website can guarantee you business, they can give you an idea of their traffic stats to help you make an informed decision. Now that most of my advertising is aimed at my fetish clip business, I'm always looking for new ways and places to branch out and put myself and…
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The Master’s Thesis

Jenny DeMilo, sex work
[caption id="attachment_1767" align="alignleft" width="240"] Listen to the rodent[/caption]I was contacted by a masters student at a very prominent British university. She let me know that she was writing her masters thesis on blogging and identities in sex work and asked if she could interview me. In the same letter she let me know she was using my blog (yes, this blog) in her research. I was intrigued. After looking her up to make sure she was legit I agreed to be interviewed. The interview was fun, I liked her right away. It was clear she had put some thought into her questions and research. She asked smart questions and made some rather interesting observations about me and my blogging and really whats more fun then talking  for an hour with…
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