You can go home again

sex work
[caption id="attachment_871" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="Im good and being bad"][/caption] I used to be a pro Domme before i was an escort. I've been in and out of the "lifestyle" for as long as i can remember. I've been a fetish model, I've been a hardcore foot model, I've even been a paid professional submissive. I've bottomed in my real life just as often I've topped. I once went in a blind date to a private dungeon. You could Say i have some experience. You could also say i became disenchanted. I have a love hate relationship with BDSM. Which turned to hate more then love, the scales tipped so i stopped playing. well, i stopped playing for anything but the occasional paycheck. I had listed on my escort site that…
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Jenny’s Mailbag

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_855" align="alignleft" width="210" caption="No stamp needed"][/caption] The subject line said "Appt. Request" though i have a booking form on my website, sometimes people are not comfortable filling out a form blind and send me a direct email introduction. So it's really not that unusual to get a request that didn't go though my website booking form. Now, i will make them give me all the info that ask for on my form if its not in the email and if they want to see me bad enough they will provide the information i nee to be and feel safe. If not, they can move on to someone who doesn't take the safety measures i do. So i opened the email: from: Jim XX <> to: date: Tue, Jul…
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Jenny Photo Party!

I busted out the camera and decided to shoot some pictures on my brand spanking new couch. Yes its true i have a couch after being deprived of one for years ( thanks pooch) so now when you visit me you no longer have to sit on the floor, of course sitting on my face is still optional. [caption id="attachment_839" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Whip me, beat me.. make me write bad checks"][/caption]
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Web Cam Party Extravaganza

phone sex, sex work
I've been doing webcam duos on Niteflirt with my hot girlfriend Adora Cash. we've been having a lot of fun getting together and showing off on cam. Whats more fun then that... not much! A few snaps for our last webcam party extravaganza. We do this a couple times a month so make sure to check the calendar on my website for the next time! [caption id="attachment_753" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Adora and my ...boobs!"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_754" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Smooches!"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_755" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Gropes!"][/caption]
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Self portrait time

I do from time to time set up the tripod in my house and shoot little ole me. The light has been really nice these days and soon it will just be to hot and just to bright to shoot.. yes, weather counts. so with out further fuss... moi [caption id="attachment_711" align="aligncenter" width="200" caption="Miss Jenny"][/caption]
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