Whats new

sex work
[caption id="attachment_1231" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="Assume the position"][/caption]New photos, new site http://mistressdemilo.com Do not fret I'm still the same fun loving extra naughty GFE loving girl i always have been, just getting back to my roots. Professional Domination, yanno  for those that like that kinda thing...
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Another year, another… dollar

sex work
[caption id="attachment_1192" align="alignleft" width="193" caption="Drink up friends "][/caption]Its a brand new year and i have some brand new projects and some old ones I always seem to be working on. Having just left my day job (don't get me started on that crap)  I'll be doubling down on my clip business. I am surprised at how much i enjoy it, i only wonder how long it will hold my interest before i run off after then next bright shinny thing. However for now it's clips, clips, clips and more clips. Its interesting to see what it is people want me to make. I started off doing a little bit of everything and see what sold. I was surprised at the direction my clips took after my customers stared to buy…
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Vegas in snapshots

sex work
I recently went to Vegas for a long weekend with the Super Crush. It was a pure pleasure trip, no work... all fun. I was wined and dined in a story book fashion and Vegas in December is still my favorite time to visit. My trip to Vegas in snapshots: [caption id="attachment_1177" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Shopping at Tiffanys"][/caption] Tiffany's is always one of my favorite places to shop, though admittedly its mostly window shopping. I still am drawn to those pretty blue boxes and all the elegant understated goodies within them. [caption id="attachment_1178" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Calvin Klein head to toe!"][/caption] I bought a little Calvin Klein cocktail number to wear to dinner at Scott Conant's Scarpetta and the brand spanking new Cosmopolitan Hotel and Casino. I thought it would look awesome…
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Escort mode

[caption id="attachment_1169" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="The elephant in the room is im a hooker "][/caption]I've been escorting for years and been involved in the sex business in one for or another for even longer. It will effect how you see the world and how you do things. Some positive, some negative. The sum of my experiences makes me who i am, motives me and shapes my world view. Being an escort isn't about your needs, your sexuality or you anything. Its a service industry job. you are there to serve another's needs. I get approached all the time by young hopefuls as i like to call the. Many right after some big glossy pretty exciting hooker story breaks in the news. They want to be escorts because they think its glamorous,…
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