Redesign fail

sex work
Redesigning your site especially if its an e-commerce site is almost always a bad idea, yet people do it all the time and for no good reason. If you have a blog and your income isn't dependent on it then redesign your little heart out because the drop in traffic that always happens when people redesign wont interfere with your bottom line. If its an e-commerce site, then wham look out. For example one of the clip sites I sell though Clips4Sale just did a major over hall on their site. I sell a fair amount and on a consistent basis on that site. I'm sure they had some internal reasons for the changes as far as functionality, though they have not conveyed that to the producers. They did say the…
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File Sharing Myths

Femdom Hypnosis, Internet, sex work
As an adult content producer my work can and has been pirated, shared, traded and generally not paid for by people looking to get free stuff. Its par for the course and yes, it pisses me off. I'm a little guy not Warner Bros Records i don't have their resources nor their cash flow and every dollar counts when it comes to making a living this way. I do my best to create quality content and as a result people like my work (you dirty perverts, i love you all) unfortunately there is an underbelly and they also love my work and love to rip me off to get it. They make up all kinds of excuses as to why they are entitled to steal from me.. Some misconceptions about…
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Gumroad, paved with bad intentions

Femdom Hypnosis, sex work
As  a creator of adult content I'm always looking for new platforms and ways to sell my content. When Gumroad was brought to my attention it perked up my ears and I delved in to it to see f it was compatible with what I was doing. I read over the FAQs and the TOS and there was no restriction on adult content. Gumroad fees are 5% of the sale price plus .25 per transaction. At the end of they month if you have over 10 bucks in your Gumroad account they Paypal you your earnings. In the non adult world thats not exactly a bargain, in the adult world its well worth the time to look into this more. When you sell your work though clips sites they often…
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You’d think it would be easier

Internet, Jenny DeMilo, sex work
I've given up trying to deal with third parties when it comes to hosting my video promo clips. YouTube thinks my tongue is "adult" and actively goes after any of the fetish girls posting non adult material which is compliant with their TOS.  I've been deleted off that site so many times I cant keep count. Vimeo and I got into it last year when they decided i couldn't link to any of my websites (including this blog even though other users link to their self promotion blogs) and told me i couldn't watermark my videos with anything that would direct any Vimeo viewer  to any of my sites where i then in turned linked to a clip site. Yes, Vimeo is trying to police several links out and also…
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Dont worry little lady

sex work
[caption id="attachment_1774" align="alignleft" width="250"] Next... Billboards![/caption]Advertising is always tricky when you're a sex worker. When I was escorting it was a monthly headache to figure out which sites to give my very hard earned cash to. Always trying to get the most bang for your advertising buck. Escort advertising is veryexpensive, it can be cost prohibitive and you have to be smart about it. No one wants to spend hundreds of dollars every month for no return and though no website can guarantee you business, they can give you an idea of their traffic stats to help you make an informed decision. Now that most of my advertising is aimed at my fetish clip business, I'm always looking for new ways and places to branch out and put myself and…
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