Jennys Blog

My blog is a dictatorship not a democracy

sex work
I welcome comments disagreeing with my point of view or taking exception to my thoughts, ideas, whatever. However if you trolls think i will approve comments where you call me a cunt or any other debasing name you can forget it. MAYBE i would have approved your little"anonymous" tirade if you had bothered to string a cohesive thought together and still called me names.... nawww, no i wouldn't have.So you tweaked out, never was, waste of silicone, why don't you come back when you're not smoking crack and try to put together comment stating your opposing views that doesn't include flaming the blog owner (don't be such a dumb bitch) and MAYBE I'll approved your chicken shit, scared to post under your name, skeezed out, old hag, bony ass....maybe©2007-2010 Jenny…
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Availble for comment!

sex work
Sometimes its not easy being your own press agent, okay its never easy but it's usually fun. So today i finish off my first press release. I'm in the process of putting together my mailing list; email, snail and fax. It's an exciting time for me, i hope that my 100th press release will be as much fun putting together as this first one has been.With the article i worked on for a major magazine (a well kept secret until it hits the news stands in a week or so) This is the perfect time to be "available for comment" well that and the whole sex for sale scandal all over the news (thanks NY Governor Spitzer for your love of whores!) the media is primed and ready to go.…
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"Give a man (or a woman) an anonymous account, and he’ll eviscerate your self-esteem."

I ran across this article by Violet Blue and it just rings oh so true Blue. As someone who over recent times has been under siege by "anonymous trolls" and some not so anonymous, calling me any manner of terrible names in hopes of trying to make me feel bad about myself, Violets take on the phenomenon is spot on. They can can call you names, they can call you fat, and ugly and try to diminish what it i you have to say by pigeon holing you into some narrow minded view of what is beautiful, As if beauty in and of its self holds the key to everything informative or insightful but they can only try, they can not succeed if you don't let them.I don't let them...…
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The Bat Phone!

I try not to put a number in my escort ads though sometimes i do. I prefer to be contacted by email if possible, gives me a chance to screen my new friends and since i was once a "phone girl" for an agency my patience is low for bullshit phone today the Bat Phone rings....Caller: hey baby, i saw your ad on ErosMe: great, whats your nameCaller: so you have great curvesMe: thanks, whats your name?Caller: how big is your ass babyMe: ahh huh?Caller: how big is your ass baby, ummm yeah how big is your assMe: ahhh I'm sorry what are you asking meCaller: how big is your butt, your ass is fine how big is your assMe: its about to get much bigger i just ordered…
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The evil time sucker

sex work
I attempted to have a computer free weekend. I thought maybe i could kick it for 2 days, yanno like one would kick coffee or more appropriately heroin. I thought maybe by distracting myself with marathons of Law and Order, many Starbucks runs and long hours with the man in my life trying to seduce him into groping me 24/7 would do the trick.alas it did not work, though i greatly reduced my computer time over the weekend i did not succeed in a computer free weekend. I supposed i will try again another weekend to put the evil time sucker down.. err mean my laptop!©2007-2010 Jenny DeMilo all rights reserved Confessions Of A Message Board Hooker Please don't steal my hard work. Email me for permission to repost. jdm4223
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