Jennys Blog

Know your rights…

sex work
Today marks the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations. Bloggers all over the world are writing about human rights today to bring attention to the fact that all people are born with basic rights and freedoms that include life, liberty, and justice.On that theme, I find it significant that today the California Supreme Court struck down the state's ban on same-sex marriage as unconstitutional. 4 long years in the making and its about damn time already."In contrast to earlier times, our state now recognizes that an individual's capacity to establish a loving and long-term committed relationship with another person and responsibly to care for and raise children does not depend upon the individual's sexual orientation,""We therefore conclude that in view of the…
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Carne Asada is not a crime!

sex work
I was raised in east LA and even now live in a predominately "brown" neighborhood. Though i am Italian by heritage, i am Latina in my soul. One of the things i love is a late night run to a local taco truck. Often when I'm returning from an outcall after hours and hungry, i will stop at a local truck for a tasty meal for just a few bucks.It seems now the local taco trucks in east LA are under attack. On the 15th of May a new ordinance will essentially make harder if not impossible to do business for these truck owners but that's not all. It will also Criminalize selling a taco! I'm an entrepreneur and i definitely support the little guy making a buck in an…
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If i was a firefly i’d light up my ass at night!

sex work
Green Porno: Is a series of short films inspired by the bizarre and often weird way insects and other creatures .... do it. It was conceived by Isabella Rossellini who's long been a favorite of mine, not only because of her infamous performance "Blue Velvet"but because shes always been a creative force. Green Porno is her directorial debut and what a way to enter the directors ring... gloves on tight, trim and lean and ready to knock your opponents block off.Green Porno is overtly sexual, humorous, titillating and just plain beautiful to watch. It's a sneak peak into the underground sex world of creepy crawlies.It premiered at the Sundance film festival and the Berlin and Tribeca film festivals and now you can even get it on your mobile phone (if…
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Are you a cop?

It's one of the more prevalent urban legends in the sex for money game, believing that if you ask an officer of the law straight out "are you a cop?" he or she must answer truthfully and spill his little law enforcement guts. Somehow asking that magic question will free you and you will no longer be eligible to go to the clink for doing something illegal.Nothing could be further from the truth. Let me make this very clear.. cops are allowed to LIE. they can do all kinda of things when undercover to try to stop the bad guy (in this case consenting adults who want a little transacted naked fun) when working a drug case they can not only sell dope, but use it... what in the world…
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Sharing the prejudice of experience

sex work
Real friends will let you nail someone in their apartment while they are busy at work, oh and send someone your direction for the bangin' girls rock ;)©2007-2010 Jenny DeMilo all rights reserved Confessions Of A Message Board Hooker Please don't steal my hard work. Email me for permission to repost. jdm4223
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