Jennys Blog

Message Boards: The New Hobby

prostitution, sex work
Hobbyist are not hobbying, I've been noticing this trend.Let me define "hobbyist", I'm talking about message board hobbyists. Men who don't just review escorts but are active message board participants. So really what I'm saying is message board hobbyists are not hobbying. They are not paying for the intimate time of an escort. Sure the bad economy is a factor but i noticed the decline of message board participants actually hiring escorts before the economy was an issue. They post on escort oriented message boards, they flirt with escorts online, they spend countless hours in chat rooms with like minded men and escorts who are desperately vying for their attention, they send saucy PM's and emails, they attend meet and greets and play grab ass in public, they inquire as…
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Double, Double Toil and Trouble

sex work
Double sessions are tiring. Now you would think and i feel most people do believe that being as there are two fun, sexy, hot chicks sharing the "work" that duos would be less tiring then doing them alone, one on one. I am not buying into that urban myth as i sit here, muscles still sore for the last evenings activities. With a double session there are three bodies trying fit into the sexcapade puzzle and let me tell you its often very much like making puzzle pieces fit and that can be havoc on the bod. I mean have you ever tried to get your face upside down and your mouth on a mans balls while on your knees as your girlfriend/partner is blowing him and not get yourself…
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True friendship is seen through the heart, not through the eyes

sex work
I officially said good buy to a life long friend today, though in my heart there will never really be a good bye. I cried as people ive known since i was 7 and 8 years old stood up and recounted how my friend had touched their lives, i was way too much of a wreck to speak myself, I just couldn't do it.He touched my life in so many ways and he was instrumental in my development as a creative person. I will never forget him and his influence on me is strong. I am a better person for knowing him but i am terribly sad tonight and my heart is a little more broken and beat up today then it was yesterday.©2007-2010 Jenny DeMilo all rights reserved Confessions…
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The first of pleasure…

Little sprinkles of light twinkle though the leaves and vines intertwined in the brown wooden slats that cover my tiny quaint multi-colored patio. Espresso made from real southern Italian beans linger on my sun kissed lips. I squint as the light is blocked by the man before me..."il mio cuore è pieno" i whispered in his ear as he bends down to touch my cheek and his hand drops to my exposed breast. More of me was full a few moments back then just my heart but alas...i digress.I lean back and think about the long summer days and how i got here on this patio with plump ripe grapes hanging above my head... and close my eyes and bask in the sun for a few more minutes before i…
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Gettin Phished

It happens sometimes, usually its some dim witted bacon and donuts type that thinks I'm going to express in a private IM conversation that i will do XXX sex act for XXX dollar amount. I wont on the phone, or email and they want to do an end run around, thinking that i'll some how incriminate myself in an IM. Good luck on that one. The men in blue have a specific way about them and I'm always extra cautious anyways, i find them out pretty fast. Plus they could never pass screening and i ALWAYS screen.The other day i got phished and i first thought i was a a man in a uniform, but then it took a turn that made me believe it was someone just fucking with…
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