2% butterscotch ripple

sex work
[caption id="attachment_368" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="Do not try to shortchange the Muse"][/caption] I write. True I also  fuck for money but I write for money too. Since I started writing professionally I have run into my fair share of writers block. Though I do on occasion use prompts to help get my creative juices flowing, most of the time  when blocked I look feverishly for inspiration where ever I can find it. When getting creatively blocked as an escort (yes being an escort has a creative slant to it, seriously it does) you can do a few things to get your mojo back. My favorite being the "fake it until you make it" response. It's not so easy to fake it until you make it when you're dealing with concept, story…
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Intellectual property rights, a refresher course

photography, sex work
[caption id="attachment_347" align="alignleft" width="234" caption="Know your rights - you don't have any"][/caption] One of the the things that is always trying for sex workers is where to get your photos taken and how to deal with a photographer. I see this issue from both sides of the fence and hence have some insight for those who need to have current and constant photos. Some things to remember and keep in mind: 1. A photographer owns the photos they take of you, they can pretty much do whatever they want with them. In extreme cases they can even prevent you from using them if you didn't get them to sign a license agreement. It's called intellectual property and it means at its basic concept that a artist owns the labor of…
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Pay more get less with Eros

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_331" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Will they take an IOU?"][/caption] The Eros guide just raised their rates. For those not in the know The Eros Guide is the largest, oldest and most prominent escort advertising mall website. It has a long standing reputation for being the right site to advertise on if your looking to reach the right audience. Its also very expensive. I have been an Eros advertiser for a long time. I have placed ads not just in the escort section but I also placed ads in the photographer section as well. Those ads are never cheap. You need a "base" ad which is a basic ad price and gets you the basic listing. If you tour you need to place a "touring" ad which only nets you 2…
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Introducing team deathwish

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_311" align="alignleft" width="192" caption="Wrap up that horn"][/caption] We all know it happens, it's talked about in hushed tones. We trade names on private boards and compare notes. Some of us have even seen it happen with our very own eyes. Well reviewed, well known, highly sought after escorts fucking their clients without a rubber, bareback, raw dick. It's not as un-common as some like to pretend it is. Ever been to a "hobby party" and see a well reviewed provider fuck a client in the middle of the room, look around and not see a wrapper in sight? I have. Ever work a double and have the well reviewed lady swear to you this is the only client she screws with out a condom? I have. Ever wonder why…
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For some it’s just not enough to fuck a hooker

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_285" align="alignleft" width="221" caption="Two consenting adults"][/caption] The escort world isn't what you see on TV and the movies, it's a giant subculture and it hits every level from street workers, where you can get a down and dirty car date for a few extra bucks, to high dollar hotties where you can pay thousands of dollars for a little eye candy companionship and of course every where in between. The most popular places to find escorts these days are the message and review boards where you can find like minded people who write accounts of their time with a particular escort. Before the rise of the message boards the clients often had a hard time connecting with other clients. You would think that they wouldn't want to connect with…
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