I love the sound of breaking glass

sex work
...I do and when I'm upset music almost always is the thing that gets me though the rough spots. I was and still am upset and saddened by the death of Mark Linkous who is, was and always will be Sparklehorse. He got me though some dark times. Today it was Nick Lowe who has long been an inspiration to me not only cuz of how he looked in a green suit in 1978 in his "as so it goes" video (meow)  but because his lyrics without being pretentious somehow speak to me. Couple that with the four and the floor straight ahead rock and roll a catchy hook  and well i always feel better.. because I love the sound of breaking glass Especially when I'm lonely l need the…
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Eating our own

sex work
[caption id="attachment_717" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="You're all pretty, now STFU"][/caption] Over the last few months i have been involved in communications with a group of sex workers who are mostly not hookers but sex workers in other areas. Writers, advocates, cam girls, performers and strippers etc. Its been a real eye opener to see  how other groups of sex workers deal with sensitive issues and sex work related issues and really how the group dynamic is shaped when you put different groups of sex workers together in a glass and shake well. Some of it is not pretty at all. In fact a lot of it isn't pretty at all. I have experienced a tremendous amount of infighting and projection. It's interesting because i thought the hooker network was a catty…
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The disappearing girl trick

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_707" align="alignleft" width="210" caption="The disappearing girl"][/caption] It happens, someone disappears from the radar. A girl you email with, talk to online, tweet at. Poof, disappears. Her site is down, her phone disconnected, her twitter deleted. It always freaks me out. Usually its just someone taking a break or leaving the game with no fanfare. Sometimes its because someones been outed and they need all their info down NOW.  I once got a crying phone call at 7am from a escort i knew who's grown daughter had been forwarded all her reviews and websites. She was at her straight job and was begging me in tears to get into her website back end and take down all her sites... i did what i could. Girls have disappeared because they were…
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Boredom breeds video making…

Niteflirt, sex work
[caption id="attachment_703" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Wild Thing"][/caption] It's true you know... sitting around playing with my new webcam, i decided to make a clip. Mostly to promote my new venture on the NiteFlirt and to just see what i could come up with. I shouldn't be left with too much time on on my hands... This is the result: couldn't figure out how to embed the video so youz have to clickity the linkity.
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Hearding cats and other pastimes

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_680" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="Know, it learn, it live it..."][/caption] Verifying references is essential. I'm a reference friendly escort. That basically means i will vouch for a guy I've seen when he wants to see another escort. He gives her my info then she contacts me and i let her know that I've seen him. Its one of the way ladies stay safe. I have a very specific way i do things, i expect the escort to give me enough information on the potential client so that i can easily figure out who shes talking about. His name, email, board handles, cell number and maybe something to jog my memory about him but usually just the specifics he would have used to book with me are needed. I dont see…
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