P411 Infiltrated

prostitution, sex work
Screening services are designed to keep escorts safe from arrest. They in theory are places legitimate escorts register to be able to hook up with legitimate potential clients. Legitimate in this case when referring to clients means not the cops. A screening service will screen a potential by often doing a work verification. Making sure that whoever, is really Joe the plumber and not Jack the cop. I'm not sure how they do their client screens but I know how I do them and its pretty extensive. There are many ways to verify someones employment. Visa does it all the time and I personally employ some of Visa's methods. No I wont tell you what they are. You have to be on your game. The smarter the cops get the…
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Grunt, scratch balls and grunt again

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_1696" align="alignleft" width="300"] Youre about this subtle[/caption]I recently read a blog by a feisty redheaded colleague of mine about why top tier experienced escorts are leaving the business and her take wasn't the economy, it was dealing with idiot clients or those that wished to become them. I think shes right, the bullshit has increased. Maybe because escorting is more accessible to the masses so there's a bigger pool of numb nuts who spend their time sending out inquiries. I don't know the why of it but i know it happens. A recent inquiry i got seemed to fit right in with this theory. I was contacted via a screening service, the potential client had seen a couple other legit girls (though their rates were a quarter of mine) …
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Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_1621" align="alignleft" width="183"] time time time[/caption]Stop adding time wasters to shared safety blacklists for dangerous clients! Yes, that's right you heard me, knock that shit off. A blacklist is for serious issues. Not because some one's a dumb fuck or annoying obnoxious gnat in email. That's what your PERSONAL blacklist is for. Shared safety blacklists are for SAFETY ISSUES and and your not helping buy putting  people who are just stupid fucks on blacklists.  If you don't know the difference between a safety issue and some jerk off fucking with your time, then my god its time to talk stock in your business practices and do some self reflection. We all have annoying time wasters up in our in boxes. In fact there's  this hilarious time waster dedicate website…
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Your slip is showing

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_1220" align="alignleft" width="177" caption="All glitz and glamour?"][/caption] They are popping up, it seems a new one every week though that's an exaggeration. Is it because hookers are the new black and people think via the lovely portrayal in the media that sex workers have money falling out of their asses and all the tress in our yards are money trees? That couldn't be further from the truth, sex workers are hit just a hard in this economy as every one else. In fact we were hit first being big ticket items AND since the media likes to make it seem that sex work is not only easy ( its not) but its recession proof (its not)  lots of people who have never taken their clothes off for money, fucked…
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prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_1098" align="alignleft" width="165" caption="Flip for me baby"][/caption] It happened, a well known"hobbyist" a prolific reviewer, a big man on campus, a big swinging dick, a whore fucker beyond all whore fuckers got busted, then he flipped and cried like a little girl. He didn't just flip,  he went above and beyond. He gave access to his personal profile on a national review site (and who knows how many other not national review sites) he handed over his access to screening services and he give the cops his access to  private men's only sections and the jewel of the popos bust...  he gave them access to a private mens only website. You know the one, where they spend the bulk of their time calling escorts fat, overpriced and collud on…
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