Is shutting down

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_1443" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="RIP "][/caption] is shutting down in just a few days. Its really to bad i liked that site. I suppose we all should have seen the writing on the wall when a few months back they took all their reviews off line "for maintenance" Before that the company that owns then under went a little visit by federal authorities. Now no one really knows if they were visited because of as the company has its hands in several business from 800 numbers, to webcam sites, to adult film distribution. So really who knows but what we do know is they are shutting down end of May. was a great resource for smaller city touring, it was the resource for small town touring.…
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Escort mode

[caption id="attachment_1169" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="The elephant in the room is im a hooker "][/caption]I've been escorting for years and been involved in the sex business in one for or another for even longer. It will effect how you see the world and how you do things. Some positive, some negative. The sum of my experiences makes me who i am, motives me and shapes my world view. Being an escort isn't about your needs, your sexuality or you anything. Its a service industry job. you are there to serve another's needs. I get approached all the time by young hopefuls as i like to call the. Many right after some big glossy pretty exciting hooker story breaks in the news. They want to be escorts because they think its glamorous,…
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Pas jolie, du tout

photography, sex work
[caption id="attachment_1062" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="Jump on everyones doing it"][/caption] It happens from time to time. Another escort jumps on your band wagon. It happens to me more then just time to time but it happens to most girls who put a lot of effort into their branding and marketing. Some lazy bitch tries to steal your Mojo. It can be as blatant as coping and pasting your ad copy or website copy and using at their own, to as insidious as following you around on tour, to as annoying as taking your signature branding and trying to co-opt it. It happened to me again, well twice this week really. A girl has decided to plant her ass everywhere I'm touring. A girl who i generally don't get along with who…
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6 marketing tips for escorts

sex work
[caption id="attachment_983" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="Dont get stuck in da box"][/caption] Marketing yourself as an escort is essential. You have to know marketing basics in any business,  especially in the down economy. Knowing your market is important, knowing where you fit into it is equally important if you want to broaden your appeal and expand your business. Here are 6 quick marketing tips and ideas for escorts. Some you may already be doing some maybe you haven't thought of. 1. Start a mailing list. If you don't have one, get one. Make sure its an opt in list and remember not to abuse it. Send out a monthly newsletter, keep people interested in you up on whats going on with you. 2. Get yourself  listed in online industry  directories. Don't just…
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