Home again, home again

sex work
Lots of luxury cars in wine country, i mean lots considering the towns are so small. I saw at least 5 Ferrari's, many Mercedes and at least one Bentley. The Bentley guy was eyeballing yours truly... of course he was i was wearing this. [caption id="attachment_1538" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Moi"][/caption] 
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sex work
[caption id="attachment_1535" align="alignleft" width="218" caption="who doesnt love a quickie"][/caption]Going on a quickie vacation. Wine country is calling my name and i must head the call. I'm very much looking forward to as many wine tastings as i can get in while i explore lots of California winery's and being pampered and catered to at my fancy boutique hotel. Late night  chef menu dinners are definitely on my agenda. Yeah i dont do the B and B thing if i can help it. though they are quaint and all they also tend to look like l like Laura Ashely threw up all over them. I'll be gone the 6th-12.. try not to miss me too much!
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This is War

sex work
[caption id="attachment_1474" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="For Shame "][/caption]What is a sex worker? Yes, that debate rages on. I have a feeling it always will. It's not easy to get women of different fields  of sex work to self identify as sex workers. They have their own preconceived notions of what a "sex worker" is and the media and the abolitionist groups that want to use the word "prostituted woman" in place of sex worker doesn't help. I wonder what those same groups would call a phone sex operator when she self identified as a sex worker? A intentional prostituted obscene phone caller? Thats the opposition the people who are against sex work, (hell they are usually against plain old sex too) trying to control the definition of what I am. I…
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Escorts.com Is shutting down

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_1443" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="RIP E.com "][/caption]Escorts.com is shutting down in just a few days. Its really to bad i liked that site. I suppose we all should have seen the writing on the wall when a few months back they took all their reviews off line "for maintenance" Before that the company that owns then under went a little visit by federal authorities. Now no one really knows if they were visited because of Escorts.com as the company has its hands in several business from 800 numbers, to webcam sites, to adult film distribution. So really who knows but what we do know is they are shutting escorts.com down end of May. Escorts.com was a great resource for smaller city touring, it was the resource for small town touring.…
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sex work
I'm getting outta dodge for a week. Southern road trip with the Supercrush. We've never spent more then an hour in a car together so this outta be a fun learning experience. Where am i going?... I'm heading to Tennesse. http://youtu.be/14eeMRxhpoE   "For some strange reason it had to be. It was all a dream about Tennessee" See ya'll next week!
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