Jennys Blog

Sinff me out like I was Tanqueray

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Amy Winehouse rocks my socks. Her, voice, her style, her balls to the walls attitude, her messy fucked up-ness. You don't get a voice filled with soul like that with out having lived a life...without living a life.She's got personal problems.. yeah so what, who the fuck doesn't. I don't want squeaky clean, pristine, white washed, bullshit in my ear when I'm alone in the dark, contomplating my life. I don't want homogenised pop music i cant relate to blaring out my car stereo as i blaze down the 101 way over the speed limit on the way to screw a stranger 12 ways to Sunday. I want it gritty and i want it real and i wanna feel it.I cheated myselfLike I knew I wouldI told ya, I was…
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Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you…

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Diablo Cody won the Oscar for best screenplay last night (in her own shoes no less) . Phew! I had my fingers crossed for her for about a week. It's amazing, shes an ex stripper, turned blogger... turned Oscar winner. Its great to see her succeed. It proves that it not only can, but it does happen.The Pussy RanchCody-SpaceDiablo Cody is a real inspiration... she proves when you put pen to paper and you have an original thought and a unique voice to express it with that ANYTHING can happen.©2007-2010 Jenny DeMilo all rights reserved Confessions Of A Message Board Hooker Please don't steal my hard work. Email me for permission to repost. jdm4223
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Im Fucking Ben Affleck

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Once more reason to love Jimmy!©2007-2010 Jenny DeMilo all rights reserved Confessions Of A Message Board Hooker Please don't steal my hard work. Email me for permission to repost. jdm4223
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Strange hobby observations #1

all kinds of people are attracted to the hobby. But the strangest phenomenon to me is people who DONT hobby but participate on message boards and are often angry little men who fling around the word cunt, bitch whore. Now while some of these guys are usually kids in there moms basement many and one type ive encountered on a local board is the kind with issues with women. I don't just mean trouble dealing with women i mean deep rooted issues with women. things that can relate back to their relationship with mommie.let me tell you about NonHobbyist A, Lets call him Erik45. Erik45's mother died a few years back and left him what he says is a good inheritance. He never really loved his mother she was a…
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