Jennys Blog

Gettin’ it all done in time

prostitution, sex work
A girlfriend and i were talking about appointment lengths, she was considering extending her 1 hour to a 90 min minimum she was having issues with getting in everything within the allotted hour. It reminded me about another working girl friend of mine who says she knows exactly how much time has lapsed in an appointment to within a couple minutes. She's not looking at a clock or a watch or anything, she's just really good at perceiving time.Time is always an issue, no one wants a "clock-watcher" but this is a timed event so there is a balance to achieve and a skill to getting everything in within the hour. I think I learned how to manage my time well when i was working in advertising. You had so…
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sex work
I bought a Flip©. So far i've filmed and edited one mini move. Don't get too excited its just of my my dog barking and running around my house (yeah i know how to give the masses what they want). I wanted to practice with my editing software and see what the quality of this little plug an play camcorder was all about and made a 30 second clip with cross fades, two titles and a swiped soundtrack. It;s not bad and its certainly fun and easy, i give it a thumps up and i plan on documenting some of my photo shoots coming up and seeing what else i can do with my new toy.I'll take the Flip© to Pride next weekend, film the drag queens and the estimated…
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Dulce de … huh?

I've been working on putting together a second blog. True i do contribute to a couple of blogs started by my blogger pal Ethical Slutcheck them out here...Non SluttyUnfortunate CocksBut this second blog ive been working on is more of a glimpse into my life as a photographer. I've been shooting naked, dirty, naughty girls for a few years now and my studio is called "dulce deojo" which is eye candy in Spanish. When i started it I thought i could keep my photo work and my escort work separate but really they are such an influence on each other that I've come to the conclusion i cant keep them in their own private little boxes.Escorts are masters at compartmentalizing. Our feelings, our sexual identity, we often have separate sets…
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The Twitter Situation

Twitter refuses to uphold their TOS, denies responsibility or accountability to its users and the backlash is brutal. That's the story in one line but let me delve a little deeper.Popular blogger and twitter user Ariel Waldman has been harassed. Several online communities/tools/utilities or whatever they would like to call themselves this week are being used to further that harassment. Ariel contacts the powers that be at Twitter and attempts to get them to intervene and uphold their TOS which clearly states." You must not abuse, harass, threaten, impersonate or intimidate other Twitter users"Twitter then cops the fuck out, in a huge way. Ariel blogs about her experience and there is much support. Twitter employees attempt to do some major damage control as this story spreads like wild fire across…
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Oh Hell No!

sex work
If you live in a 5 million dollar house in the hills high above LA. If you spend half of the time you book with me bragging about your wealth and all that you have. If you expect me to be impressed with your material achievements and to visibly show you how impressed i am with many ohhs and ahhhs and oh wows and then expertly drop to my knees and suck your cock like a champ because you're such the big man on campus...THEN FUCKING TIP ME.I'd be much more impressed with a couple extra bucks quietly slipped in my pocket then the boat you want to blah blah blah and endless drone on about ..... while i giggle and flip my hair like the Barbie doll you mistakenly…
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