P411 Infiltrated

prostitution, sex work
Screening services are designed to keep escorts safe from arrest. They in theory are places legitimate escorts register to be able to hook up with legitimate potential clients. Legitimate in this case when referring to clients means not the cops. A screening service will screen a potential by often doing a work verification. Making sure that whoever, is really Joe the plumber and not Jack the cop. I'm not sure how they do their client screens but I know how I do them and its pretty extensive. There are many ways to verify someones employment. Visa does it all the time and I personally employ some of Visa's methods. No I wont tell you what they are. You have to be on your game. The smarter the cops get the…
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WTF Is Hapening To City Vibe

sex work
[caption id="attachment_1885" align="alignleft" width="217" caption="why be original"][/caption]City Vibe was a major player in the escort advertising world. You could get a big glossy ad in any major city in the US and even some not so major ones. They had some kinda link exchange deal with the big national review website, yanno the one that boasts a gazillion escort reviews. If you had a profile on that site you would often find a link to your ad on Eros or some other site replaced by a link to City Vibe. When I started touring, City Vibe would often give me a free ad in what ever city I was traveling to. I didn't ask for this ad they would just do it and somehow they knew where I was traveling…
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Don’t Be a Cunt

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_1876" align="alignleft" width="289"] Rage against the reviewer[/caption]Reviews, reviews, reviews.. It's all the rage to rage against reviews. Ok, I get it they are problematic but lets not forget that potential clients sometimes read them and use them when choosing an escort to see. We don't have to like that but it is a fact. Lets also not forget that as much as we may not be comfortable with reviews raging on men who use them from the ultra obsessive reviewer to the casual reader just makes us look like the crazy ones. I'm serious and I know that seems strange coming from me. The chick who in the last decade went to war with review culture and put my money where my mouth was by putting my actual working…
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File Sharing Myths

Femdom Hypnosis, Internet, sex work
As an adult content producer my work can and has been pirated, shared, traded and generally not paid for by people looking to get free stuff. Its par for the course and yes, it pisses me off. I'm a little guy not Warner Bros Records i don't have their resources nor their cash flow and every dollar counts when it comes to making a living this way. I do my best to create quality content and as a result people like my work (you dirty perverts, i love you all) unfortunately there is an underbelly and they also love my work and love to rip me off to get it. They make up all kinds of excuses as to why they are entitled to steal from me.. Some misconceptions about…
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Gumroad, paved with bad intentions

Femdom Hypnosis, sex work
As  a creator of adult content I'm always looking for new platforms and ways to sell my content. When Gumroad was brought to my attention it perked up my ears and I delved in to it to see f it was compatible with what I was doing. I read over the FAQs and the TOS and there was no restriction on adult content. Gumroad fees are 5% of the sale price plus .25 per transaction. At the end of they month if you have over 10 bucks in your Gumroad account they Paypal you your earnings. In the non adult world thats not exactly a bargain, in the adult world its well worth the time to look into this more. When you sell your work though clips sites they often…
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