Reviews are currently being hotly debate over on that collective sex worker blog that’s “One Big Service Piece” people are raging and people are being thoughtful and many people adding their 2 cents to the conversation. I do see a theme though, if any man has an opinion or wants to participate in the conversation be he sending in a email in response to a call for entries or just simply posting a “Hey I never thought of it this way before” comment on a blog post he will get demeaned and belittled. Clearly there are sex workers who can not see beyond their own need to feel slighted, insulted or whatever their personal issue is (it feels and looks personal) to see that maybe, just maybe some client thoughts and perspectives might be insightful, useful or at the very least good to know.
Sex workers are only half of the equation …. sex workers need clients to yanno actually work and if you are such a raging cunt that you cant take a breath before you unleash your pent up anger and furry on some dude who’s just trying to be part of the conversation and may actually be agreeing with you. Well then maybe you need to go into actual therapy. Men are not the enemy, clients are not the enemy. Yes, there is much change that could happen that would improve the lives of sex workers, but feeding into the stereotype that we are all just man hating cunts out to take their money and don’t really give a flying fuck about them, in my humble opinion not the best way to go about making any kind of change. Speak your mind, tell your truth but if your truth is all “fuck you, I hate you” then maybe you need a new line of work