“The meat it feeds on”

sex work
[caption id="attachment_256" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="Green with..."][/caption] I'm always amused at how closely my every move is scrutinized by people who basically just don't like me. I know, I know,  it's hard to believe that anyone wouldn't like me. I like to personally subscribe to the theory that they are either threatened or intimated by little old me and are weak minded little trolls who don't have much to occupy their time with. However scrutinize me they do (for whatever their twisted reasons), studying me, analyzing everything I write, photograph and say. Waiting for me to make some kind of misstep so they can then try to use it against me somehow. It reminds me of when I worked in advertising all those years ago, a creative director would spend her…
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Mind your own fucking business

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_243" align="alignleft" width="206" caption="STFU"][/caption] I've been seeing it enough that I felt i should say something. It's always been there but usually it's well hidden and rarely bubbles to the point of being so public. With times being tough for most (yes, even escorts) people are becoming less and less secretive about sticking their noses in other people business under the guise of "defending a client" What it really is, is a couple competitors slugging it out in a public forum to try to gain more business. Or usually it's more like one lady calling out another lady publicly with the hopes that it will end up that the money (hobbyist) will follow the big mouth fuss maker. Just because a client tells you "Provider X, is demanding I…
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Harvey Milk

sex work
"I know that you cannot live on hope alone, but without it, life is not worth living." ~ Harvey Milk [caption id="attachment_239" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Harvey Milk in the Castro"][/caption]
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Lucy…. I’m home!

sex work
Just sittin' around the house Please update your bookmarks and RSS feeds as I am finally weened off the blogspot tit and on my own domain. Blogspot was leaving a bad taste in my mouth (I'll write about that later) so with the inspiration of Always Aroused Girl I decided to take the plunge and see what I could get up and running. It took me about a day to figure it out but figure it out i did. Now it's here for your viewing pleasure. Please let me know what you think. I'm still tweeking it and adding stuff, since I'm now on a WP CMS if anyone out there has any good WP suggestions for plug ins etc please speak up! I'll also be doing my first contest…
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"It’ll be just like starting over"

sex work
I don't much believe in New Years resolutions but I do believe in new beginnings. I don't think you have to wait for the new year to make changes in your life.I started to make changes in my life a few months ago, as a result my availability as an escort has been severely limited. I've been working in my chosen field the one I went to college for, the one I abandoned years back and needed a much needed break from. I just dont have time to rock worlds they way I used to, I have deadlines, meetings and I'm accountable to people other than myself. I didn't know how much I missed my old life until i started to get back to it.I also began to take my…
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