Jennys Blog

Happy Zombie Jesus Day!

sex work
People celebrate Easter in all kinds of ways. Some go on colorful painted egg hunts, (eggs laid by a rabbit even!) some people go to church and celebrate the resurection of Christ in a somber and reserved way and yet others have a spring fling pagen filled may pole dance fest. I will celebrate by meeting friends for French food at a small cafe and maybe i will raise a glass to the things in life that matter. Family, a man who loves me, good friends and the ability to live a life of your own choosing even if that life is a little off the beaten path.Happy zombie Jesus day everyone! (oh i mean Easter)©2007-2010 Jenny DeMilo all rights reserved Confessions Of A Message Board Hooker Please don't steal…
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Enough about me, what do you think about me?

Mini reviews being hijacked i see it more and more...A mini review is a short blurb a "hobbyist" ie client writes about a "providers" ie escort. It's usually because a formal review takes a while and the dude wants to get the word out. She was great or she sucked. Almost all mini reviews are positive in nature.What I've been observing lately is escorts who are not the escort being reviewed jumping on the mini review thread in a very thinly veiled attempt to steal the girls who are being written about thunder. To bring all the attention to herself. In many cases they don't even give the subject of the mini review time to thank her client for the acknowledgment. I find this kind of behavior classless and opportunistic.…
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One of us! Gooble Gobble!

I forgot what it was like to have a paid out out there i haven't had one for a few months. It sure helps with biz. I'm getting plenty of work and its a good month so its so worth the expense. However there is also the little draw back of being more visible to not just the clients you want but the freaks!here's some examples:The blow smoke in my face guy... Yeah i told him to find a more experienced smoker, i couldn't smoke for an hour no matter how hard i tried, Id probably toss my cookies all over him. HOT huh?The gently fuck me with a strap on guy... Ummm nope ain't gonna happen. i get the heeby jeebies just thinking about the creepy way he described…
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Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines!

sex work
Last week i received my first media inquiry from a major magazine. They Had seen my blog and wanted me to contribute my thoughts for an article they are writing about "call girls" for an upcoming issue. After talking to my point of contact and being made to feel comfortable that this wasn't a derogatory slant on escorts, i decided that i would love to participate and agreed.I had forgotten what it was like to work under a deadline. In my old life in advertising i lived under deadline, this took me back to that hustle and bustle even for just one evening of burning the midnight oil. I had to have my thoughts in writing, waiting in my contacts email box first thing in the morning NY time today.…
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