Both Demi More and Ashton Kutcher have made money portraying sex workers. Demi even famously underwent breast augmentation surgery for the role of a stripper. So what gives with the blatant hostility towards sex workers? Why do they need to use junk science and inflated numbers to further their cause. Why create and exaggerate problems that doesn’t exist, when you can work to address the problem that does exist. Is it because if there are an average of 1,000 trafficked children a year that its not going to raise the money you don’t funnel down to services for victims, then if you LIE and say 300,000? It’s hard to get the big bucks without the splashy numbers, so they “find” splashy numbers even if they have to make them up or turn a blind eye to the fact that are are made up and inaccurate.
Ashton tweeted just today that “he only played dumb on TV” as he got into a pissing match with a news outlet because he didn’t like them taking him to task for his inability to get his facts straight. He then went on to try to get advertisers to remove ads from The Village Voice because VVM owns backpage and sex workers advertise there, which of course revealed all anyone would need to know about Ashton Kutcher’s real agenda. Ashton Kutcher is against sex workers, their rights and possibly their very existences. He’s an abolitionist and he let let his slip show in the midst of his Twitter melt down because he got some bad press.
… yeah he only plays dumb on TV? I’m not buying that argument.
Related Links:
Village Voice:
Charlie Glickman:
Boing Boing:
The News Junkie:
Seattle Weekly:
Tits and Sass:
Village Voic: (follow up)
[…] of LA’s own, current sex worker Jenny DeMilo, weighs in with her anger as well. And points out the fact we’ve somehow missed that BOYS get trafficked too! Thanks […]
Thanks for your blog – I’ve been watching this issue as well with cross eyed fury. I appreciate hearing a sex workers view after seeing Ashton and Demi bumble thru their glossy campaign in their hypocritical fashion.
It always stuns me how people will first promote and glamorize something and then when presenting it as legitimate no longer works for them and there’s no more money to be made off it in a positive light, they’ll flip it and destroy it to make money and gain position.
They’re not health workers, not sex workers, not peer educators so how are they even vaguely qualified to act as regulators of an industry? They’re just numbnuts going thru a slow news period. Even worse, if you’re trying to “fix” a “problem” you don’t come at it having made judgements and already having boxed people and their lives.
They’re a disgusting judgmental duo. Who are they to judge?! Demi prostitutes herself in many of the movies she’s been in from the stripper movie to Ghost… I believe she was paid to kiss a dude, make dudes believe she was in love with them/cared greatly for them, take her clothes off, get around with her boobs flashing, twirl around a strippers pole in front of an orjy of men…. definition of a hooker if I ever saw one. Actors prostitute themselves all the time and carry out many of the acts we do as sex workers on film and get paid shit loads of money for it, so who are they to make judgement?!
I just threw up a little bit in my mouth!
[…] after deciding that “girl” sex trafficking would be their signature cause. (As Jenny Demilo has pointed out, Kutcher seems to either not realize boys can also be sexually exploited or not to care.) That […]
[…] consultants” after deciding that “girl” sex trafficking would be their signature cause. (As Jenny Demilo has pointed out, Kutcher seems to either not realize boys can also be sexually exploited or not to care.) That […]