I’ve been noticing him for a while. He hits my blog 4-10 times a night. Usually between 2am and 6am. He tries to mask his IP but he doesn’t do a very good job of it. I know the city he comes from and a lot of other identifying info from his/about his computer. Oh and i know his his name servers, who owns those servers and how to get in contact with that person. I’m thinking its likely who he works for.
I think hes trying to hack me, though to what end i don’t know. Hes certainly not reading my blog over and over and over and he hits it every night regardless if i have any new material or not. hes pretty OCD about the whole thing… oh or on crack. I can see what pages he jumps around to as he goes on his late night tweek fest of blog staking me.. lets just say he doesn’t jump around much, he doesn’t stay long, then he comes back over the next few hours and it starts the process all over again.
Wash, rinse, repeat!

I’ve taken to blocking his IPs… its like playing whack-a-mole. Since this guy fancies himself some kinda computer wise guy he uses a lot of proxies in his fumbling attempts at what ever it is he’s trying to do as his sits around in the late night, wee morning hours hours smoking bowl after bowl of crack and sweating profusely in his moms basement.

Being vocal i have attracted my fair share of detractors. Usually men who screw the hookers who don’t like what i have to say about said men. Recently i have pissed off some chicks too. Other sex workers, who didn’t like what i had to say about them and my dealings with them. Ive been stalked in real life by as it turned out by an acquaintance who at a social function recently approached me and tried to “make amends” after terrorizing me for a year. AS IF fuck nut! I’ve been stalked as “Jenny” (which continues to this day) So it’s bound to happen that at some point someone would blog stalk little ol’ me. I’m set up for that inevitable situation. I’ve been set up for it since day one. My blog’s as secure as i can make it and really this blocking of the crazy late night tweekin blog stalker IP’s was just to see what came of it. I could easily just let him hit it all night every night until he got bored and moved on to stalking girls in real life, if the freak hasn’t already gone that route. Which is of course very likely cuz obviously hes whacked and has too much time on his hands.

I suppose i could start tweeting at the servers owner. I have found him on the Twitter. I wonder what he would think if he got mixed up in some hooker controversy where his business was being used to stalk some outspoken sex workers blog. Being as he seems a rather conservative dude who works in the computer field, I’m thinkin’ maybe he would be none to happy with that outcome.
I guess tweeked out blog stalker didn’t take that into account…
Haha, turn him into a cautionary tale. It’ll set a good example 🙂
Now that you’ve hit the big time,don’t forget us regular folks.I hear having a stalker is the must have tinsel town accessory,you “IT” girl!
Seriously, dime this chumps ass out, Letting garbage fester only attracts more rats.
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Got to agree- although you keep things cryptic I think other girls ahold know who the stalker might be-
I wish I had a stalker. grump. grump. grump.
You certainly do draw a lot of conclusions about someone who merely visits your blog. All of the blog and stat measurement tools out there have a tendency to make people assume lots of things about their readership that might not be true. More than likely, you’ve found yourself a “bot”.
@Reed: Yeah and as soon as i wrote this, my “bot” started hitting my blog at new times. Funny little coincidence i made based on all of my wild conclusions.
but thanks for the comment i always love it when people imply i’m ill informed, it makes me feel special *rolling eyes*
Let’s look at it another way… You write a blog, have a “biz” website, advertise on sites like Eros, and, generally, seem to have an affinity for publicity. One could guess that you WANT people to read your posts.
“He hits my blog 4-10 times a night”
(regular reader, perhaps?)
“He tries to mask his IP but he doesn’t do a very good job of it.”
(Maybe you’re not the reason he tries to mask it)
“I know the city he comes from and a lot of other identifying info from his/about his computer. Oh and i know his his name servers, who owns those servers and how to get in contact with that person. I’m thinking its likely who he works for.”
(And you call “him” the “stalker”? Pot, meet Kettle.)
“I think hes trying to hack me, though to what end i don’t know”
(based on what evidence, compulsive blog hits? And hack what?)
“Hes certainly not reading my blog over and over and over and he hits it every night regardless if i have any new material or not. hes pretty OCD about the whole thing”
(Sex addiction has a way of looking compulsive… because it is. How would he know if you’ve got new material unless he checks. Maybe he REALLY LIKES your work)
I used to have a blog of my own (related material). When you’re trying to be “secure”, one can imagine quite a few possible scenarios. Some true, some not. I remember playing the chess games with people who’d never sent a single email or posted any comments, but seemed to be obsessed with my writings
I never said you were ill-informed. I’m just basing my observations on what you actually decided to share with your audience.
@reed or it could just be i know what the fuck I’m talking about and elected not to share all my details with the public at large.
BTW for a dude who likes to accuse others of making assumptions you sure make a lot yourself.
Seriously dude, there’s no need for you to try to correct me or argue with me on this. Unless it somehow makes your dick hard to do so, in which care you owe me money 🙂
Have a nice day, come back soon
Yeah, SHE sure seems obsessed, LOL!(note my sarcastic tone)
I laughed my ass off at the line about him sitting in his mother’s basement smoking crack and sweating profusely. Ha! Hope he quits being freaky.