Who’s your Daddy, Craigslist!!

prostitution, sex work
Yesterday at 5pm Craigslist entered the profiting from prostitution business. As part of an agreement with a coalition of 40 attorney generals across the nation they begin charging for ads in their erotic services section.lets break this down.. in order to cut down on illegal ads they decided to charge for such ads, to the tune of 5 bucks per ad. CL has required a phone number to place in ad in erotic services for months now and has clearly stated their TOS and they they WILL comply with a subpoena and provide an ad posters information to law enforcements when presented with one. That's all old news CL has ALWAYS complied with law enforcement.So whats the difference here?... charging for ads, and collecting your credit card info. They state…
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"The margin is narrow, but the responsibility is clear"

sex work
I woke up early at 7am, feeling much like a kid on Xmas morning. Though i may to wait until late into the evening and maybe even into tomorrow to see if i get presents under my tree or four more years of coal in my political stocking.I went to my local poling place around 9am hoping to beat the crowds, where 2 districts were voting which meant 2 long lines of people waiting to vote. My neighborhood is mixed. Mixed with hipsters and Hispanics. I kinda fall in the middle of that being that half my family is Hispanic and well I've been accused more then once of being a hipster (though i like to argue that point) it was heartwarming to see that my neighborhood had come out…
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Inspiried to act

sex work
As the latest presidential election comes to the finish line, i reflect back on my own apathy and disillusionment with the US government and my place in it. There was a time when i was very politically active. I was involved and felt like my voice counted. Over the last 8 years i have felt lied to, helpless and as if my one little voice didn't mean a thing. I was essentially told by my government that i didn't matter and they didn't care that i knew it.This latest election i see people inspired to act. People who have very little giving anything extra, forgoing groceries and basics to help change the country they love for the better. Its brought tears to my eyes on a daily basis to see…
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I’m Cooked

sex work
I'm sitting in the Vegas airport ready to hop a flight home... cooked would be an understatement.©2007-2010 Jenny DeMilo all rights reserved Confessions Of A Message Board Hooker Please don't steal my hard work. Email me for permission to repost. jdm4223
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suffering until sufferage

sex work
Today is the last day to register to vote in California, the lovely state where i live. Its important to participate in this democratic process of ours in this great nation... for more then a few reasons.1. its your responsibility as an American to vote2. you don't get to complain about election results if you don't vote3. wont be eligible for the " i have voted" Jenny Special to be announced soonVoting is Patriotic, its not just a right its a damn responsibility. Your vote can change the world and your voice needs to be heard. Your vote is the representation that this taxation gives you. So take the time today to go to the post office, libriary and fill out the little one page form or do it online…
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