To Tweet or not to Tweet, there’s a question?

prostitution, sex work
[caption id="attachment_827" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="All the best birds are there"][/caption] It comes up often on the hooker message boards and it did again the other day. Someone posted a "Hey is anyone else on The Twitter" kinda post, in hopes of finding like minded folks to connect with and just as predictably some one chimed in with  the typical "Twitter is bad for the escort community" and the simple request for like minded peeps jump the rails into a heated discussion about the pros and cons of hookers Tweeting. The general con thought is that Tweeting is indiscreet and that law enforcement can read your stream. Both have merit until you delve a little deeper. [caption id="attachment_828" align="alignright" width="210" caption="By the hour of course!"][/caption] Discretion, well that can mean a…
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