Jenny Photo Party!

I busted out the camera and decided to shoot some pictures on my brand spanking new couch. Yes its true i have a couch after being deprived of one for years ( thanks pooch) so now when you visit me you no longer have to sit on the floor, of course sitting on my face is still optional. [caption id="attachment_839" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Whip me, beat me.. make me write bad checks"][/caption]
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Feet people

photography, sex work
[caption id="attachment_782" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Suck it!"][/caption] I've been getting back into the whole world of foot fetish. Ive been involved before, as in before i was an escort. I used to do hard core foot modeling and by hardcore i mean my feet and hard cocks that would then cum all over my delicate perfect toes. Good times.  Since i started phone boning its opened up the whole foot fetish thing for me again. I've made foot videos, i have regular web cam clients what want to go to town on my perfect flexible toes and ballerina feet. It's all good as far as I'm concerned. I have a special place in my heart for foot people. I always have, ever since i first discovered them. I used to shoot…
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Self portrait time

I do from time to time set up the tripod in my house and shoot little ole me. The light has been really nice these days and soon it will just be to hot and just to bright to shoot.. yes, weather counts. so with out further fuss... moi [caption id="attachment_711" align="aligncenter" width="200" caption="Miss Jenny"][/caption]
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Griffith Park Shoot

I love the Griffith Park Observatory. It's pretty much my favorite place in all of Los Angeles. It was supposed to be a cloudy gloomy day and i had planned to shoot a girlfriend there id been waiting to get my lens on for a while. I had a shot all thought out in my head, how i expected it to be lit, the composition and the model. The weather however did not agree with me. It was bright sunny and hot. Not the gloomy overcast day i had expected. So i re-thought the shoot on the fly. This is what I came up with. The model is a girlfriend who shall remain nameless (but hot!). She has a professional career and is not an escort. So don't email me…
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