Which way will the wind blowNew direction, no not One Direction the boy band. How dare you bring them up! The NEW direction is me or rather this site. Say good by to Confessions Of A Message Board Hooker and hello to Jenny DeMilo.com. The archives will stay and there is lots of great material i spent many years writing, venting and all around just saying what i think. Be sure to check it all out. I wrote about the escort world from the perspective of someone in it long before it was fashionable to do so and i id it under my working name. Also a rarity that exists even today. I was a GFE escort, i am not one any longer. Though i suppose i the eyes of the world i will always be a whore. Its what happens to all sex workers. Work once and forever be a whore. I however worked more then once, i was an escort for years. I am not one any longer. I now work as a Hypno-Dome and professional Dominatrix. So yes i’m still a sex worker but now im on the legal side of the business. Its different and though I no longer get naked with strangers for cash, sex work will always be a part of who i am. I will always fight for the rights of sex workers and my big mouth.. that will never go away. I may still vent and tell it like it is in this blog but odds are it wont be about escorting and the escort world too much as thats not my focus any longer. Don’t be sad though there is plenty to be upset about and vent about in the hypno-domme world. Most importantly how payment processors and financial institutions want to drive us from being able to actually access services that we need to run our very legal business. See theres that once a whore always a whore thing popping its head up again. So if you were a fan of my speaking my mind, that will not stop. I couldnt even if i wanted to.
My focus is hypnosis fetish session recordings and im pretty good at it if i do say so myself. I have a unique style that just screams “Jenny DeMilo” Welcome to my new direction.