"I once saw a dildo .. this big"As you may have noticed over the last year I’ve been writing sex toy reviews for Eden Fantasys. It’s been a really fun experience and I do love it when random sex toys show up in my mail (who wouldn’t). Actually I do love sex toys in general so toy reviews were a natural progression. After taking a break from toy reviews because of my cross country move and having no time for anything let along testing out and writing about naughty sex toys and after getting settled in to my new digs I was approached about writing other things that relate to Eden Fantasys, so I wont be doing the toy reviews any longer but writing about other sexy naughty informative sex culture things in sponsored post for the folks at Eden Fantasys. Instead of keeping the product I review, I’ll be receiving gift cards so I can pick out my own naughty toys and we all know how much I love gift cards… and naughty sex toys. Its a win win in my book and I’m looking forward to giving it a whirl, seeing how it goes and writing about all kinds of interesting and different things. But wait there’s more (said in my best as seen on TV voice) this isn’t a program special just for me if you are a sexy writer (i know a lot of you write) with a readership above nil then this is open to you too. The official name is “Eden Loves Bloggers” and you don”t have to be an escort or sex worker to write for them they have options for mommy bloggers too. I’ve been treated really well by them and have enjoyed the whole process and I can recommend then and you should check them out So there ya have it, a little whats new in the world of Jenny and a little share the blog wealth. Tell um Jenny sent ya, ha!