Los Angeles is now in the mix and they have a slut walk planed for June 4th, 2011 in West Hollywood, CA and I will be there. Yes, I’m a slut. Well, I was a slut before a i was a whore. I suppose some people would still call me a slut. I’m also a female who doesn’t feel like the shirt i chose to wear or the skit i pull up over my hot ass should be responsible for the violent act of rape. Slut shaming needs to stop, its prevalent in or society and its hurting our girls.
I will be at slut walk LA on June 4th to show my support and to work the SWOPLA (sex workers out reach project LA) table. Please if you’re there come by and say hi, sign up for the SWOPLA mailing list and take to the streets and let your voice be heard… You don’t have to be a slut to participate.
Slut Walk LA:
Join us June 4th at 12pm in West Hollywood Park for a Rally and Walk

I love sluts. I love you. See you this Saturday! <3