Drink up friends Its a brand new year and i have some brand new projects and some old ones I always seem to be working on. Having just left my day job (don’t get me started on that crap) I’ll be doubling down on my clip business. I am surprised at how much i enjoy it, i only wonder how long it will hold my interest before i run off after then next bright shinny thing. However for now it’s clips, clips, clips and more clips.
Its interesting to see what it is people want me to make. I started off doing a little bit of everything and see what sold. I was surprised at the direction my clips took after my customers stared to buy and send me feedback. As my friend Sarah Blake puts it “the wallets have spoken” I like to do what i can to keep the wallets happy and getting off and if my sloppy tongue and my erotic hypnosis is what does that trick then that’s what i will do. Of course I’ll still make things that amuse me because i like to amuse myself with weird clip making (go figure). But the bulk of what i make will be bent in the direction of what the market wants to see from me. I’m still the new kid on the clip making block and i still have a lot to learn but I’m figuring it out and its growing month by month.
With the guidance of those wonderful fetish clip making ladies who have been at this for a while, i have gotten my feet firmly in the pond and put together a system for myself. It’s a lot of work for one little indie girl but with patience, creativity, perseverance and time i can see now it will pay off.. and its fun.
...and actionMy escorting has been taking a back burner and I’ve been seeing pretty much my regulars, extended appointments and people whose company I truly enjoy. This has happened for several reasons. I’m tired is one, how long can you be a fuck doll before it takes a toll? I have a man in my life i love and really the deeper involved we get the more escorting ceases to be fun for me and I’m really over chasing down that kind of work when my focus seems to be more creative outlets of sex work (clips, phone sex and writing). It’s new and fresh and I’m having fun doing it. I still see clients when time and circumstances permit and id be a fool in this economy to turn down viable work when it comes my way but I’m not chasing it right now. Just another year as a sex worker and just a new way to make another dollar.
One thought on “Another year, another… dollar”
Glad to hear the muse of Erotic Sensual Senses is being good to you, life is adjustments. Happy New Year!
Glad to hear the muse of Erotic Sensual Senses is being good to you, life is adjustments. Happy New Year!