Marketing yourself as an escort is essential. You have to know marketing basics in any business, especially in the down economy. Knowing your market is important, knowing where you fit into it is equally important if you want to broaden your appeal and expand your business. Here are 6 quick marketing tips and ideas for escorts. Some you may already be doing some maybe you haven’t thought of.
1. Start a mailing list.
If you don’t have one, get one. Make sure its an opt in list and remember not to abuse it. Send out a monthly newsletter, keep people interested in you up on whats going on with you.
2. Get yourself listed in online industry directories. Don’t just pick any directory research and list yourself with the right one for your market with a good reputation. Some are free some cost find the best option for you.
3. Monitor your online reputation.
Very important! Google yourself, check the message boards to see if people are talking about you. Join the conversation if they are. Let them get to know the real you and help to steer the conversation in the direction you want it to go or do damage control if need be.
4. Review your website analytics.
How else will you know where your best hits are coming from. See whats workign for you and whats not. How else will you know if that expensive ad you pay for every month is bringing you the kind of traffic you need and if your money is well spent or not.
5. Create a niche specialty, diversify.
Are you a GFE? A porn-star, the girl next door, a SSBBW, MILF, do you do fetish work or massage work? What niche can you put yourself in and exploit to its fullest potential. Where is there a hole in the market that your new found speciality can plug?
6. Re-vamp your site and pictures
Been using the same site for years? Are you using the same photos you did last year at this time. Give both your site an your photos a make over. Are your photos normally candid? Add some pro shots. Shake things up a little, it will bring you more attention. Spend a little time making sure your site is SEO friendly in the process.
The main thing is to work smarter not harder. Think outside the box, try some new things and monitor the results. Figure out where your efforts are best spent. Times are tough and the escort world is effected as much as everyone else. If you want to be successful these days you have to work harder and be smarter then the next girl.
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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jenny DeMilo, Jenny DeMilo. Jenny DeMilo said: 6 quick marketing tips for escorts http://bit.ly/c2SR9Q New blog post.. GO READ […]
Right on the $$, as usual.
Plan your work…work your plan.
Take care of your business and it will take care of you.
Don’t write checks with your mouth that your ass can’t cash!
Reputation is like virginity,once you loose it,its awfully hard to get it back.
Great advice Jenny,I wished more ladies were as conscientious as you about their business.It would make planning,arranging,and orchestrating loads easier on my end.
Spot on. Fantastic advice Jenny! 🙂