Screening services are designed to keep escorts safe from arrest. They in theory are places legitimate escorts register to be able to hook up with legitimate potential clients. Legitimate in this case when referring to clients means not the cops. A screening service will screen a potential by often doing a work verification. Making sure that whoever, is really Joe the plumber and not Jack the cop. I’m not sure how they do their client screens but I know how I do them and its pretty extensive. There are many ways to verify someones employment. Visa does it all the time and I personally employ some of Visa’s methods. No I wont tell you what they are. You have to be on your game. The smarter the cops get the more you have to vary your methods.
Well it seems as if a very popular screening service was infiltrated and a bunch of ladies got arrested. The screening services isn’t fully to blame but they need to take the brunt of it. It seems a handful of ladies met with this undercover and pronounced him legit when they didn’t fuck him for cash. They met him in a public place (for cash) had a nice little meet and greet then when on their way. They then OK’d him. Which is pretty careless to say the least but then again they thought he had been screened by the screening service. So lets just say everyone fucked up because they were lazy or greedy or just plain stupid. You pick.
Which brings me to my main point, you must screen for yourself. Do not trust anyone to do it for you. Yes screening services can help. Use them as a tool, don’t rely on them. Yes, Oks and references help but use them as one of the things you do to verify a client. For gods sake if someone Oks someone on a screening service follow up with a polite email asking for a reference. Now I don’t know if that would have helped in this case and for all I know some of the 22 arrested did just that but you must be diligent and you must double and triple check and if anything seems funny, it is funny and run don’t walk away from that appointment. Do not outsource your safety and freedom to a screening service. Ever. Or you just might get caught up in something you could have avoided.
As if Colorado didn’t have enough to do dealing with wildfires clearly busting hookers is the best way they can come up with to spend public funds.